Not a single Bowsette picture in this post, I promise. ;)
The Rankings – Part 1

Normally I would write words here.
Double Decker! Doug & Kirill – Meh
tl;dr: This is the kinda buddy cop show that makes Brooklyn Nine-Nine look good.
Sauce: Expired blue cheese.
Animation Production: Sunrise
The first episode’s already out, and it’s not very good. Sure, it’s actively inoffensive and you won’t feel incredibly put off by having been subjected to 24 minutes of mediocrity each episode, but maybe that’s not enough to justify a full series time investment.
Sword Art Online: Alicization – IDFK
tl;dr: It’s a new Sword Art. But maybe it won’t be ass this time! …wait, is that Saber? Oh no.
Animation Production: A-1 Pictures
Normally I don’t like to cover sequels or spin-offs in these posts. Other than taking up space, they serve no purpose – you already know whether you want to see season X of Sparky & Friends regardless of what me and my big dick think about it. Sword Art’s a bit of a different animal, though, since it follows the Final Fantasy formula of being mostly shit with a few shiny bits thanks to the copious amounts of goldschlager the night before.

I read the first LN as part of an intended marathon to see which camp Alicization would fall under. Then I realized Kawahara can’t write and the SAO anime’s first arc was seriously carried by Tomohiko Itou’s respectful fetishization of teenagers. So we’ll see.
Everyone who’s read the LNs has said the arc is decent, but fuck their opinions since you’d have to be a complete smoothbrain to make it that far anyway.
Akanesasu Shoujo – Okay
tl;dr: “But, like, if there are parallel worlds… omg that means parallel selves!! Think how much we’ll save on the design budget!”
Source: ‘Original’
Animation Production: DandeLion Animation Studio | Jumonji
I know a lot of people are going to shit their pants over Uchikoshi (9/9/9 franchise director) being the concept head here, but I’m a little less than enthused. We’re working with the worst parallel world tropes, and Uchi’s already shown that the only time he can make something good is when the mumbo jumbo is drowned out by the screams of dying children. And somehow I doubt the sterile suits at Animax are gonna let their on-rails vanity project have any of that.
Ken En Ken: Aoki Kagayaki – No.
Source: A Chinese video game series… spin-off?
tl;dr: Any time a synopsis starts throwing foreign names at me longer than three letters, my brain shuts down. No fucking idea what this is gonna be about and I don’t care.
Animation Production: Studio Deen
Try not to look up what the director and scriptwriter have done before this, cuz you might start to feel bad about that PV.
Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken – Okay+
tl;dr: Isekai, but the main character’s a slime. (Goblin Is Very Strong is significantly better, for the record.)
Light Novel:
Animation Production: 8bit
Isekai might be my favorite genre. So I kinda… marathoned all the available volumes in one night. There’s honestly nothing unique about Tensei Slime, it’s just executed really well.

Look, this series is just wish fulfillment at its finest. And no matter how low-budget or phoned in this effort looks, it can’t change that. Plus there’s big-boobed girls in suits, so what the fuck do you have to lose other than your time and faith?

Girls Zomb Monster – Great
tl;dr: Zombies ‘n tiddies. What else could you want?
Adaptation: The pure spirit of humanity.
Animation Production: MAPPA
If you saw that PV and didn’t need a towel for your chair, we can never be sexfriends. Hype af.
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai – Good
tl;dr: The Melancholygatari of Saya no Uta
I actually stopped reading the manga after a couple chapters specifically so I could enjoy the show as it comes out.
Light Novel:
Animation Production: CloverWorks
Basic premise here is a bunch of adolescents have shitty things happening in their lives, and as a result are affected by related supernatural “afflictions”. Like, the bunny girl character is a famous model, and all she wishes for is to be left alone, so she gains the ability to become invisible to folks.

MC-kun, by nature of being MC-kun, is here to help her (and every other hormonal high schooler he finds) get over her super-deep trauma. Yes, it’s cheap, but you can’t deny it’s kind of effective.
Some might be tempted to ignore this romcom harem with a twist™, but those kinds of people also watch Twitch streams and eat paste. Watch this if you enjoy more than just the fumes from your taco bell dispenser.
Sora to Umi no Aida – I’m out.
tl;dr: The spiritual successor to an unreleased Evangelion fishing game.
Adaptation: Mobage. lol.
Animation Production: TMS Entertainment
That PV will be enough for you to know whether this show is gonna be your thing or not. Personally, I’m not interested, but I also hot glue my fig collection daily, so…
ReFrieD: Tokigoe no Derrida – ???
tl;dr: Original time travel anime.
Animation Production: GEEKTOYS
- Written by: the guy who wrote Ousama Game and Devils Line.
- Directed by: the guy who directed Steins;Gate and Ichigo Mashimaro.
Guess we’re gonna find out which staff position matters most. Buckle up, this is gonna be a special one.
Tonari no Kyuteketsuki-san – Meh
tl;dr: Slice of un-life.
Light Novel: N/A.
Animation Production: Studio Gokumi | AXsiZ
Take the PV and combine it with these jokes and that’s the show summed up:
Does this deserve an adaptation? No. But if you have a personality that could be best described as non-existent, you may find something here.
Please stop adapting 4-koma, Japan.
Bakumatsu – Garbagio
tl;dr: Pretty boys or something.
Manga? No.
Light Novel? No.
Mobage? You got it..
Animation Production: Studio Deen. Surprised?
The fact this exists proves women were a mistake.
Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru! – Great
tl;dr: This shit is hilarious. And if the adaptation sucks, the manga will still exist. What a bargain.
Animation Production: Doga Kobo
Yeah, sure, a series about a 20-something trying to fuck an elementary schooler could be considered uncouth in some circles. But what if it’s good? Then the fuck what?

Brokens: enjoy. Normies: I’m not changing the post title.
In Summary: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
No particular order.
- Uchi no Maid ga Uzasugiru!
- [Being Unwarrantedly Optimistic] Sword Art Online: Alicization
- Zombieland Saga
- Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai
- Akanesasu Shoujo
- Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken
- Double Decker! Doug & Kirill
- Sora to Umi no Aida
- RErideD: Tokigoe no Derrida
- Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san
- Ken En Ken: Aoki Kagayaki
- Bakumatsu
22 more series to go. Wanna bet how many months it’ll take me to finish?
>directed by the guy who directed Sukitte Ii na yo.
Is that show any good? It’s romance so I figured it would be 12 episodes of filler.
>zombie land saga
I’m glad you finally grew a conscious. Looks like another Mari Okada sleeper hit from here.
>22 more series to go. Wanna bet how many months it’ll take me to finish?
Yeah and you can’t forget all those western TV shows. But there’s 59 anime airing this season alone. You’re not counting right. Didn’t you say you were going to do all of them?
The list I drew up a week ago had 54, but I don’t do franchise series or shorts, which puts me to 34. I’ll do another review of in-scope shows when I get back from my children’s card game tournament today.
Also, I fucked up on Sukitte – some people liked it but I honestly did not. Got it confused with Koi wa Ameagari no You ni cuz I’m retarded.
I’m currently smoking out the ears:
1. You promised there would be no Bowsettes in this post
2. You always break your promises
3. Therefore, there is a Bowsette hidden somewhere in this post
Perhaps the real Bowsette was the friends we made along the way who we’d maybe be DTF if they genderswapped and then hit the gym and/or were bulimic.
Time travel anime directed by Takuya Sato? Should be good right?
Just say yes to that random guy. After the S;G0 adaption sucked so hard that my balls were screaming in pain, I need a decent time travel anime. So please, for the love of yandere, Just. Say. Yes.
D_S, check your Twitter DMs :<
It’s been two years. You gotta stop sending me nudes.
Nobody has Index in US/EU.
What year is it lmao…
so slime is okay, yet there’s nothing good about it.
that makes a lot of sense.
It’s a competently done isekai, nothing more nothing less. Yeah, that clocks in at right around “okay”.
My first thought about Zombieland Saga was: “Truck-kun failed at spawning another Isekai”
I’m a little butt hurt that I can’t troll jojo’s fans by pointing out that we got sagrada reset and a rohan spin off instead of part 5.
at least some-stuffs picked up pt. 5 so I don’t have to put up with CR fucking with the stand names.
I think bunny girl animu is going to make great fapping material at the very least. tbh other than david productions finally doing part 5 this season seems dead.
>Written by: the guy who wrote Ousama Game and Devils Line.
I’m sorry but both of those have had actual writers. Rerided is definitely worse than either of those. It’s even worse than that other time travel anime airing this season. Why does he still have his job? Either way I disagree with the way you worded it.