Much like Freddie Mercury, Netflix’s release sucks AIDS-infested dick.
Willing to Dream Forever~
- [Die Hot] Fan translation
- [Netflix] Official translation (I used the Erai-Raws rip for the purposes of this review)
[Die Hot] is just a pop-up brand created for this film, staffed by leftovers who for some reason want to remain anonymous. No fucking idea why, but nu-gen isn’t exactly known for their skillful plays.

Visuals – Typesetting / Karaoke
Script – Die Hot
I can theoretically appreciate the commitment to the joke, but in this case, familiarity breeds contempt. You can’t even watch the releases in order this way.
Although the Die Hot naming scheme pissed me off, I can’t say these subs are bad. Perfect, though? That’s a reach.
Script – Netflix
TFW no ambiguously brown gf.
Script – Die Hot vs. Netflix
It’s not a clean sweep for Die Hot in the head-to-head, but Netflix’s failures are definitely more pronounced.
Bonus Round
After this review was 95% completed, I decided to plow through the rest of what was available, so I could speak to how good the show itself was.
With 14 episodes under my belt, I must regretfully report that it is entirely mediocre. But in the process, I may have snagged pic or two from the Die Hot releases.
Whew, forgot how much fun blogging can be. Any suggestions for what to go for next?
A [Hadena] retrospective could make for a good Halloween special, but I want my reviews to have the possibility of helping people wade through multiple choices. So if y’all could be a little more targeted than “bad oldsubs” that’d be sugoi.
Fansubbing is dead, so maybe you could rate official translations for anime (Crunchyroll, Funimation, Animelab, Wanakim [Eng]) or start shitting on Manga scanlations, as that’s where all the drama and autism is at now-days. (See r/scanlationdrama)
But yeah, a retrospective on a old group like Hadena or fansubbing in general as it was in the early-mid 2000’s would also be sugoi desu ne.
I’m still waiting for Abigail doujins btw. I would empty my balls to those.
Officialsubs are definitely on the docket. Scanlations, though… fuck. Does this mean I actually need to learn Gimp? My laziness is telling me no, but my hard-on for drama is telling me I may need to see a doctor.
In terms of scanlations nowadays, everyone uses either Photoshop or Don’t worry, you’re not expected to pay for Photoshop; everyone just uses a cracked version, because Adobe have pretty much given up trying to protect their software lmao.
In terms of learning the basics of Photoshop scanlations, it’s best done with cute anime girls :shrug:
(BTW, if you need accounts for any of the services I mentioned, since horrible and erai usually go from what service has the faster simul-translation. Just hit me up.)
>want to remain anonymous
>literally everyone who downloaded it knew it’s skiddiks.
hell he even mentioned that he’s the one doing it in the comments of the netflix rip.
Not the only staff member. I think the rest are simp as fuck for letting an inveterate (invertebrate?) groupie take credit for all their work, but I digress.
afaik the rest of the staff were TL/TLC, a lot of who prefer staying anon for ??? reasons (probably to stop randos from DMing them asking to translate shit, but I can’t say for sure).
Nah, they’re scared of the big scary Netflix lawyers raping their bungholes with their big meaty takedown and lawsuit cocks.
“You’d think that in the 5 years since CCCP kicked the bucket, the fansubbing scene would have settled on a video player standard.”
MPC-HC died in 2017 and the fansubbing standard seems to be mpv now. Why would you watch this in a dead player?
MPV doesn’t work with half the shit I watch. Typesetting, in particular, is a mixed bag filled with 90% tacks.
That means you seriously fucked something up because all new releases are tested on MPV.
By the time I get around to a show it’s usually out on blu-ray, and those groups don’t test shit.
After giving it some thought… if MPV is what the scene has decided they support, then if I review anything done recently, I’ll use MPV for the video player. No point in being a stubborn cunt about this.
>I want my reviews to have the possibility of helping people wade through multiple choices. So if y’all could be a little more targeted than “bad oldsubs” that’d be sugoi.
You want specific requests? I find new movie BDs are always good/bad for having lots of releases to compare. Something like Promare, which had me scratching my head about what to actually download.
There are 22 releases for this shit? AND there’s blood and tiddies? Yes… I think this fits my mission statement. Downloads away~
The only viable release is [CBM]. I’ll put the post up eventually, but seeing what the scene has come to… put me in a not-so-ideal place, and that’s not the vibe Crymore’s about, so… just gimme a sec. I need to rewrite some things.
CBM has USBD subs iirc, I don’t see how that’s a viable release. Astral had the best subs iirc and Beatrice were the best raws but I don’t think anyone bothered muxing those and releasing. Mux those 2 and you’ll get an actually good version (or maybe not, I haven’t seen it myself).
I said theirs is the best because everyone who touched the subs fucked them up. This was not a recommendation made with a smile.
Where’s this Astral release? A private tracker? I see two releases on Nyaa and nothing on Tosho.
…I hope you’re not talking about AEDNuLL’s slight edits to PDO’s camrip transcription, although if you are, that’d make sense considering your group used that garbage. I think you fixed one whole line. Felt like Zero Two herself let me down. ;_;
Astral posts his subs on a discord server as attachments/batch files to be muxed in with other raws, but most of his stuff gets reuploaded to private trackers. I don’t see this one uploaded anywhere though, if you want I can mux it into Beatrice and upload it to gdrive or something.
Afaik PDO’s transcript is the base every softsubbed release used, including Astral. Are the official English subs better? I didn’t compare those.
I assume you’re talking about the release I did with Judas. I don’t think I edited the dialogue at all, I just edited the typesetting. I’m not an editor so I usually don’t touch the dialogue unless it’s something like spelling mistakes or basic grammar.
And AEDNuLL didn’t edit the transcription either, he took PDO’s edited v1.5 as a base and added typesetting.
AEDNuLL is based off 1.1. It has nearly all the same errors as 1.1 had. 1.5 fixed most of these errors, and by “fixed” I mean, just became closer to what the original GKIDS script was. If AEDNuLL actually used 1.5 as base and somehow managed to recreate the same weird mistakes, I would be incredibly confused.
Interesting to hear about Discord-exclusive releases. It’s a curiosity, but private clubs for anime have never done it for me. Glad it works for some folks. (No need to send the script over, although I appreciate the offer.)
This is getting messy, and I’m less pensive than I was before. I’ll get the post out tonight, or Friday afternoon if a lot of rewrites are required. There is a lot of misinformation out there on how the groups acquired and developed their scripts. Here’s a low-effort diagram:
I’ll clean it up and indicate what groups are associated with each script in the actual post. Note also that effort does not equate to results.
Oh wow, I didn’t even know that ScenikEight did a translated version, I thought PDO was the only base. Not sure why Hakata is there though, they’re not a fansub group, they just mux in subs from other groups and reencode video to HEVC. Or is this just a listing of all releases and not specifically fansub releases?
Here’s Astral’s list of edits:
(According to him it’s based off PDO v1.5)
I think the reason why he doesn’t post publicly is because he doesn’t have a QC and doesn’t QC himself, so he just posts it on this server for others to use for their own viewing or edit for their releases. His subs are used in other group releases, for Eg. Asakura’s release of Shield Hero used his subs, and my release of Wataten.
Hmm, that’s cool. Glad his effort is being put to use somewhere then. At least, I hope to be glad… haven’t really caught anything he’s done.
Yes, ScenikEight did a TLC’d version of the official subs. I’m not willing to say that PDO’s v.1.1 was the base, because PDO does not earn the rights to the official translation just because he (poorly) transcribed the subs before anyone else.
Hakata Ramen does not edit, you are correct. But they do fuck things up. They took ZetaRebel’s script and for some godless reason changed a bunch of the words into gibberish. Like, they decided Kray’s name should be Kary… but only for one line. It’s bonkers.
That chart shows all the scripts I consider “unique”, which is not necessarily a good thing.
Hm, why did Judas’ release get skipped out then o_o
I might do a mux of Beatrice’s encode with Astral subs, with dialogue swapped with ScenikEight. I was gonna watch this anyway so if that TL is more accurate it’s probably better to use it.
The script wasn’t modified enough from its AEDNuLL base to consider it an original entity. Keep in mind, I’m not considering typesetting, karaoke, styling, etc. Comparing 21 scripts is already too time-consuming.
Here, this graph should explain it better. Again, ugly.
I want to emphasize that none of the releases are good; the official BD release is just the least bad from an English perspective. ScenikEight’s script needs an editor and a QC to shine.
Could you do a review of Tenki no Ko (Weathering with you)? There is a gorillion of releases out there and I don’t know which one to pick up. So far, it seems there are 3 subs for it (the official ones of the US BD, Kaizoku edited subs and LonelyHikikomori). I was leaning for Kaizoku until I read your review of My Hero Academia….
you’re probably better off waiting for Commie to release it.
>waiting for Commie
>watching anything by Commie
It’s sad but Commie is the only fansub group which is doing it. Kaizoku’s editor is probably not a native english speaker and he’s not that great at editing (as is evident in the MHA movie). LonelyHikikomori typesetting is pretty bad, and I’m pretty sure the official subs left half the signs untranslated. The best group for Shinkai’s last movie was Commie, so I assume they’ll be the best (and only) option for this one as well.