There comes a time in every internet superhero’s life when he has to take a stand and fight for the issues. This is my Selma.
(TL Note: “Hot gluing” is the act of jacking off onto anime figurines.)
“Hot Gluing Is Bad Because It’s Inherently Sexist”
10 years ago, you might’ve had a point. But recent studies of images on my computer suggest that more women have dicks now than men do.
As such, the act is gender-neutral, progressive even. Thus, hot gluing is on the right side of history.

On the Subject of Ill-Earned Profits / I’m (Not) Okay With This
Sex work is beautiful and valid and should be taught in schools, but guys. GUYS. There are Patreons for cumming on anifigs?
Call me old-fashioned, but masturbating onto a figurine shouldn’t make anyone a millionaire, no matter how good at it you are.

I take the same stance as with fansubs – no profit allowed.

I’ve clearly lost the fight against the weeb mafia already…

…but if your work is purely derivative, profits are still owed to the real creators and/or corporate holders of the copyright.
According to the first result on Google (pseudo-paywalled), merchandise royalties are 10%. The guy didn’t source his statistic, and the search function is shit on ANN, so we’ll just claim as fact this is how the entire industry functions.
Since KageLord jacked off on two Nami figurines in September, Mr. One Piece is owed a cut:

Do the right thing. Let’s make hot gluing great again.
The Ethics of Hot Gluing Your Friend’s Rei Figurine While He’s in the Other Room Making Cocktails

First off, Rei is a shit-tier waifu, so I was doing you a favor. And she was getting kinda dusty. Also, a Zombie shouldn’t take 5 whole minutes to make, so this was kinda your fault too.
Next topic.
Final Topic

I would never jerk off to anime figurines. I find that sort of activity disgusting. I’m only interested in real women.
As my father always said, “There is a difference between jerking off to an anime figurine, and jerking off onto it, but I will never know what that difference is.”
Got me thinking of “Grandmas Boy”
What are the ethics of hot gluing a Loli?
B o n k
Why the TL Note? Anyone who doesn’t know already shouldn’t be visiting your site. I thought you had standards.
What about the ethics of re-selling figures that have been “glued”?
If undisclosed? Perfectly fine. Normally you’d be charged for extra protein.
You might wanna do a “””fansub””” review of the new Higurashi. So far it’s been picked up by 3 groups.
First there’s Nii-sama, who’s edits consist of stuff like:
Official: Then I can pay you back for that awesome lunch you made us.
Nii-sama: Then I can pay you back for that awesome bento you made us.
Then there’s [HairColor]. Idk what they’re doing but the first line of the description is:
“For a character-driven show like Higurashi, it’s nice to have subs by hair color.”
And then there’s [Nipah-Subs]. I won’t comment on this, just see
Funi’s TL is supposed to be good, would be interesting to see how these *edited* versions compare to it. If you do end up comparing, use the [SubsPlease] reupload for the Funi subs ’cause they fixed a few TL errors, or rip the latest subs from Funi yourself.
I’ll just leave this here.
Can we have the old posters back after Spookymore?
(I personally miss the cleavage cryMore one)
Hot new banner
I pray to fansub Jesus that Commie will die and Xythar will stop seething

Commie won’t die until herkz finally realizes his life’s sole purpose. Here’s hoping he’ll be able to save up enough for a gun after all the insulin payments.
…Perhaps we should start a gofundme?
It got reported and removed :(. The power of the cartel is too strong…
I’d do it if no one found out.
Have you read Chainsaw man? And if so, what’s your opinion on it getting an adaption?
I’ve fapped to some of the doujins a lot. Is it actually good? Maybe I’ll give it a read tonight when I’m good and sauced.
Late comment, but it’s worth the read if you enjoy edgy shonen manga.
Oh wait, this thing ended like 3 weeks ago? Tight. I’m in.
Well that was a quick read. Perfect love story. 10/10.
Thanks for the rec, y’all.
There’s a doujin where Denji manifests a chainsaw out of his dick if you haven’t read it. I hope when it gets adapted by Mappa into an anime, there’s a Blu-ray 4 koma booklet as an extra where Denji sees how many devils he can kill with his chainsaw dick alone. That would be pretty epic.
That particular doujin is the only reason I had any interest in the series in the first place lol
I’m imagining a lot of guro doujins with Denji’s chainsaw dick now.
Hotgluing is problematic because it’s not told from the perspective of the normie minority
You are still alive?
welcome to the cum zone
I had assumed you had finally drunk yourself to death, given the broken WP theme and zero posts for a year-plus, but it’s good to see you back.
Dark_Sage will you ever grace us again with your presence on IRC? We’re all sitting there patiently awaiting the second coming of christ.
It’s 2023; nobody uses IRC. Just DM me your dick pic.
Is ‘rona-chan still clearing out normalfags?
Shit, why I am still here.
Even you could not depend on Corinna. What will be left???
I just went down the rabbit hole on a two hour long e-stalking quest of D_S’s various networking accounts and have come out a beaten and broken man.
Shoulda kept it at “that alcoholic faggot with quality tastes in anime that posts once a year on”
Dude, my twitter account fucking sucks.
> Rei is a shit-tier waifu
fuck’s wrong with you? rei’s the original waifu
Original shit tastes are still shit tastes.
But it’s understandable because you got to see her tits before your balls dropped and that was a big deal at the time that left a lasting impression. It’s not your fault.
rei is fucking boring, that’s why she’s not my waifu. Yes we saw her tits but if the owner of the tits has a bread and butter personality then it’s a turn off for me.
Everyone in that show was fucked up but for me, the ones that managed to be the most suave were the scientist lady, guitar guy, OG anime Kaworu, white haired oldie and Kaji. So they are the sexiest imo.
Wake up, D_S. It’s that time of the year again.