Are you one of those unlucky PC players like me suffering from horrible lag and stuttering? Suffer no more with this quick tutorial!
Honestly, Star Ocean has had a rocky history. The first two games were great. The third is regarded as one of the best PS2 RPGs (if the map completion didn’t give you anxiety), but then things went downhill because Lymle just wanted some Nappy Time, kay?
So I wasn’t too hyped about a new Star Ocean, but at the same time, it’s still a long-running JRPG series. Of course I’m going to play it.
Unfortunately, the game froze and stuck and lagged horribly. I spent more time waiting for the game than actually playing the game. Want to destroy a pot? Press 4 to swing your sword, wait 15 seconds while the game freezes, and then like magic, the pot is broken!
Yeah. I couldn’t do it. Thankfully, I found a solution, so I wanted to share it with all of my besties here at Crymore!
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
You’re welcome.
Sage advice.
Also, what’s with all these articles? I thought this was a dead site?
Dead site, dead memes
It can’t be helped.
It’s not dead until nobody posts for over a year or two.
watching it die a slow and agonizing death is more entertaining anyway
Rent free.
Is Star Ocean 6 even worth playing? 1-3 were great, 4 had a better battle system but an atrocious story, and I hear 5 is complete dogshit. Is 6 a return to form?
Absolutely not. I felt like it spent more time trying to be good than actually being good. It really wanted to be open world, but there wasn’t enough stuff to be open world. It really wanted to have a plot, but the story was weak and unengaging. It really wanted to have likeable characters, but I can’t remember a single one of them a year later. It really wanted to have good combat, but you can just stand there and cheese it most of the time while everyone else does the work. It was an experience, but just go play Tales of Arise.
Wow this blog sucks ass
Is y’all alive
For you, we could be.
Please do more fansub reviews. Also, what is your response to Crunchyroll’s AI subtitle decision?
I see value in AI-created subtitles that are then improved with a human touch. Clicking the “AI button” and then calling it a day can’t possibly end well.
For fansub reviews… are there even any competing groups left?