It’s Tuesday somewhere.
Note: Under each Youtube video, you’ll see a link to a WEBM. Each file is a 640×360, 6-12 MB encode of the OP/ED. They will also likely only play if you’re viewing this site in Chrome. I know some of you have bandwidth constraints/shitty browsers, so I’m defaulting to Youtube here.

You can also save the files to your comp and view ’em in MPC or something. Crymore’s got the bandwidth to spare.
Best OP
Spoiler for
Best ED
Spoiler for
Before you start the waterworks, here are some honorable mentions… so even if you have shit taste and think any of these are better than the ones I included in the post, you can at least rest easy knowing I considered them for a second.
Akame ga Kill!
Rokujouma no Shinryakusha
Rail Wars
Seirei Tsukai
Tokyo Ghoul
Zankyou no Terror
Why would you use a screencap for Zankyou no Terror’s ED as the preview image and not include it in the poll.
Because I’m an asshole.
Best OP: RWBY, cuz it’s in English.
Best ED: Tokyo ESP, cuz there’s lesbians.
Hard to argue with the facts.
Solid logic.
Zankyou no Terror and Barakamon have the best OP this season.
As for the ED, none of those up there are particularly good, to be honest.
What about Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun’s OP?
I went through all the OPs/EDs this season, so if I didn’t include one in the poll/my honorable mentions, it’s cuz I think it sucked.
Webms won’t display on shitty browsers but you can still download them and play them through MPC or something, doubt it’s much different from how much bandwidth is spent on watching youtube videos, either way, good to have both things I guess.
>tfw RWBY looks better than Nobunaga Concerto
It’s a really tough choice between Barakamon and Zankyou no Terror, I’ll go with Barakamon though, and SAO.
Can’t say I’ve a personal favorite though, between Rail Wars, Blade Dance, Tokyo Ghoul and Akame ga Kill, both the OP and ED, all of them are top tier.
Yeah, people can download ’em I guess. I’ll update the post.
With ya on Blade Dance. Best song of the season’s gotta be Seirei’s ED. Shame the ED visuals were so budget.
Youtube link for those unfortunate enough to have never heard it before.
Very true, it’s like 6 stills or something and some hands animated and that’s it, same happened to AgK’s and Tokyo Ghoul’s ED, no freaking budget, music is so good though, and that’s like 75% of the score for me.
Oh and if you liked Seirei’s ED check out the new image song that was released today.
That shit’s pretty hype, thanks for the heads up.
Your taste is kind of bad, but not shockingly so. I can at least see what you like about some of these songs.
The best ED is the new Aldnoah ED though.
If it was just about songs, the lists would be quite different. I figured looking at the OPs/EDs as a whole would be more interesting. The bicycle story in the Majimoji ED, for example, is cute enough that it deserves attention, but the song itself isn’t anything special.
Didn’t know Aldnoah got a new ED. I’ll have to check it tonight.
You must watch it….it’s awesome ( ¬‿¬)(not the ED as a whole just the song)
Awful visuals, but that’s a pretty solid song.
But wtf is with that terrible pseudo german, worse than engrish
It’s called Japanese.
If you say so. ^^
Believe it.
So what would the list be if you went purely by the music?
Tokyo Ghoul’s ED, JoJo’s ED, and Seirei’s ED would definitely be on the list. That’s just off the top of my head, though. I’d have to rewatch all of them for a better answer.
I still cannot believe KyoAni has gone from Suzumiya and FMP to… to this.
KyoAni… KyoAni always finds a way.
Money?? Money!!
Aimer’s ED is great, too.
reminded me of some songs from another animer (sadly, i can’t remember it…)
Which anime is that one from?
“Which anime is that one from?” – Uichan
Zankyou no Terror
Small note: WebM works in FireFox if you properly remux it with MKVmerge (global->WebM compliant file option) after the encoding
Ah, that explains it. Yeah, I thought FF had webm support, but when I tried it, shit didn’t work.
I’ll try remuxing in the future.
Since I don’t really consider visuals to an EDs rating… Aldnoah’s new one is just<333
Yeah, agreed. I mean yeah, visuals have a little bit of influence on if I watch it each time or not, but not as much as the song itself does, and years after I’ve forgotten a lot of visual details I might still be listening to a great song (or by the same token a great song can make me recall the visuals). Really, the value of music in general in anime is a bit underrated, visuals are the most clear and obvious factor but mood and emotion for a given scene can be massively influenced by the music.
In the Best Opening section there is additional letter for Toykyo Ghoul above the video link. Think you can handle to remove it w/o telling which one it is.
Tokyo Ghoul’s OP is the best, hands down! I Think it’s the same guy who sings the Psycho-Pass OP’s or ED’s.
Same guy who composed/wrote/performed Psycho-Pass OP1. And yeah, it’s one of my faves.
Good song, but awfully dull visuals.
If the visuals get any better than it already is, then even normal people would suffer from epilepsy.
If the visuals were made any better than they already are, then even normal people would suffer from epilepsy.
I dunno, it’s like they don’t match at all with the song. That graffiti-thing at 0:56 looks pretty boring to me. Maybe it’d be alright if it was synced when the song kicks in at 0:52, but all momentum is lost by then :1
actually, it is suppose to synced. Read the YT description
If it is not some kind of spoiler it is an absolute fail and deserves disqualification – the studio placed the ghoul eye on wrong side (at the scene with the mask)
Otherwise it is my favorite.
I haven’t read the manga, so I don’t know what side the eye is meant to be on (but I’m assuming it’s his left eye since that’s the only one we’ve seen ghoul-mode so far) but are you taking into account that it’s a fucking reflection at 1:16?
Definitely, Tokyo Ghoul wins hands down. Barakamon is also good enough, though.
As for the ED, the SAO ED is surprisingly good! (Not following the series, so it was a little unexpected for me)
I did not know you where here.
Sabagebu! ED clear winner. When club president girl sings it moves me emotionally.
>No Jinsei
I can’t be the only one who thought Jinsei’s ED was amazing? ;_;
I like both Jinsei’s OP and ED.
Good taste, my friend.
Tokyo Ghoul for best OP, though I really do like Nozaki-kun’s OP.
>No “Paatto paatto hareyaka ni”
It’s like you didn’t even listen to the Hanayamata OP.
Hanayamata’s OP was very good indeed.
RWBY. The pinnacle of Japanese animation.
Amen, truly the future of entertainment. Actually, it’s so good it’s not even made in Japan.
The ED song from Tokyo ESP is kick-ass. I honestly don’t remember much about the visuals because I’m always too busy headbanging.
She speaks sense.
The only correct answer to both is Nozaki-kun.
Aldnoah Zero OP and EDs all the way
Great list! But a lot of the links are broken ;[ Darn Youtube.
>a lot
Only 2 are broken. Aniplex is a jew, who knew.
That’s why I put in the webms. If you aren’t familiar with the OP/ED, feel free to watch those.