Fansub Review: [Davinci] Girlish Number (Episode 02)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Art is dead.


Don’t wanna overload you with negativity though. Crymore’s supposed to be a happy place! Here, have some tolerable dub mixing:

All right, now that you’ve cleansed your palate, onto the indigestible wordsludge.



Table of Contents

Release Information

Visual Quality

Script Quality




Release Information


Spoiler for

Episode details.

Release format: 720p MKV (331 MB, 8-bit)

Japanesiness: Liberal weeb. Playing with fire there.

English style: American English.

Encoding details: (script mux’d onto the Leopard-Raws release)

Speed: Quick (<48 hours)

Translation style: Original TL.


External links.

Group website: N/A

Twitter: N/A

IRC channel: N/A



Visual Review


Spoiler for




Rating: Fail.

If your translator can’t translate a song, why should we trust them to translate a script?




Rating: Fail.

Guys, you do realize this is the one area in which you can legitimately present yourselves as superior to officialsubs, right?




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TS-kun tried. Too bad I still have standards.



Script Review


Spoiler for


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Death is not a permanent enough solution.



Main Script.




“What is this, Towada?”


This translation brings a tear to my eye.


This translation is tryhard in all the worst ways.


All the worst ways.

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Are we supposed to know what this means? Cuz if we are, you’re doing it wrong.

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“How’s work” -> “Oh no” ?

That follows about as well as a quadriplegic dog.


All I can tell ya is it either was or it wasn’t.

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You’re really going for a Minnesota accent here? Uffda.


Project plan? I don’t know where you heard that term, but I guarantee if you knew what it meant, you wouldn’t have it here.

“Yes, there’s actually another part to this project.”


Normally when fansubbers (or even officialsubbers) shoehorn swear words into a release “to be funny”, I sperg out like I’m getting paid per tantrum.

But here? Yeah, it was fucking hilarious. Fit the mood perfectly and improved the quality of Chitose’s character. This is fucking rare, so I thought I’d call it out. Good job, Davinci, just wish you kids didn’t suck so much at everything else.


The word’s “teensy”.

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An editor would be a good add.


Not now.





As you may (should) recall, I took MagnAvaloN to task for the constant weebery. Here, there’s enough to raise an eyebrow, but it’s within the range of tolerability. Could easily get out of hand in future releases, though.

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Yen? Dollars? Doll hairs? I get you’re trying super fucking hard to make his dialogue as quirky as you surely are, but you need to make these things clear in a translation.




Doubt I ever will.


Why you release without QC, Davinci? : (

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You know the kinda people who continue a joke way past its expiration date and then fail to rally to the point where it becomes funny again?

Yeah, apparently the reddit rejects found a spot in the fansubbing world. These subs can get very painful to read.





Watchability: Watchable.

Visual grade: D+

Script grade: D

Overall grade: Davinci

When I said Davinci was watchable in my MagnAvaloN review, I only meant in the loosest sense. Despite being a week behind, Crunchyroll is your best bet for the show.

Still, if you can read past the Engrish, and ignore the mewling cries for attention plastered throughout the script… I guess you could get away with watching this release. Don’t expect to enjoy it terribly much, though.


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10 thoughts on “Fansub Review: [Davinci] Girlish Number (Episode 02)”

  1. After reading the previous review, this release looks almost presentable. The “Hawawawa” and “Gahaha” is annoying and the “No” answer to the “How?” question makes me mad, also the accent gets annoying after two screenshots and I’m not sure what a… full service place(??) is, but aside from that it seems okay.
    I’ll go with Davinci for now.

    • The ‘full service’ stuff is some Japanese business lingo that means ‘Vertical Start-Up’, having everything ready when a project is launched. It might have been better to not even try to translate it.


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