Fansub Review: [Hadena] Morita-san wa Mukuchi Season 2 (Episode 01)

This post was written by Dark_Sage. He is Dark_Sage.


Even Hadena can’t screw up a three minute anime… probably.

Release Format: MKV (8-bit, 39 MB)

Japanesiness: Honorifics.

Chapters: None, because Hadena can’t handle that shit.



Opening. Wait, this is just the regular episode font that they’re using for karaoke, isn’t it?

Moving on…





This does not sound right, so just make it “What would you like?” But this is a minor error, since they both essentially mean the same thing.


Watchability: Quite watchable.

Overall grade: B+

You’re getting a better script with this release, but you’re getting better typesetting/karaoke with AFFTW. Choose accordingly.

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