Two posts on Crymore in one night? The fuck is this, 2013?
Animay: Another Month of Stalled Posts
I’m gonna be going to three cons this month. This post is about those.
P-Tuesday Pollday: Best Spring 2015 OP/ED – Audio
Yeah, the titles are boring, but at least I didn’t go “Visual Select”/”Audio Select” route like I had originally planned. Forgot this wasn’t McDonald’s for a sec.
P-Tuesday Pollday: Best Spring 2015 OP/ED – Visuals
Yes, the forced alliteration gets on me too. But ganbarre with it; I’m sure it’ll grow on us in another year or two.
P-Tuesday Pollday: Top OTP & Sexiest Boy of Winter 2015
See? I’m keeping to the schedule. …if we’re going by like Pacific time.
LoveMore 2015
If you don’t have anyone this Valentine’s Day, I’ll be your date. Hell, I’ll be your date even if you do have someone.
Crymore Banner Contest v.Winter 2015 Winners
It was a brutal battle, but 11 banners came out on top of the 40 entries. Also, have some minor site updates, cuz why not?
P-Tuesday Pollday: Best Winter 2015 OP/ED – Audiofag Edition
No repeats from the previous poll. Cuz that’d be lame.
P-Tuesday Pollday: Best Winter 2015 OP/ED – Visualfag Edition
While my enjoyment of the music was a prereq, these OPs and EDs were selected specifically for their visuals. Blind people, you’re gonna get a poll of your own, so don’t you worry.