Well, fujoshi, how’d ya like that shower scene?
Danganronpa – Best Girl/Boy – Episode 03 Edition
Finally beat the fucking game (post on that later), but for those of you just following the anime: you’re not gonna miss out on anything with just watching the show. Rejoice.
Danganronpa – Best Girl/Boy – Episode 02 Edition
Anime of the season of all seasons.
Banner Contest Over – Winners Announced!
I didn’t really wanna pick one winner, so in no particular order, the superior banners are…
Crymore’s Banner Contest
Based on my rejected entry to the Museum of Modern Art, I have determined the current Crymore banner doesn’t live up to the standards of visual quality Crymore.net is known for. That’s where people who don’t suck at banners come in.
Danganronpa – Best Girl/Boy – Episode 01 Edition
Thought I’d set up a poll for the best community to decide the best characters in Danganronpa.
Crymore Feedback Session – v. Pre-Summer 2013
Holy shit, it’s that time of the season: time for an official Crymore feedback session. Give me your fucking thoughts about anything that will help me improve the site.
I am Dark_Sage AMA
Organizing my music collection, so a night of me fucking about on my computer is pretty much set. So, thought the Dark_Sage, why not have ourselves a regular old circlejerk?