Giving up my morning coverage of Momocon to bring you pics from a better con.
Where to Eat – MomoCon 2015 (Atlanta Downtown Area)
Due to the nature of my job, I’ve eaten at quite a few (68) Atlanta locations in the past 5 months. This post is about the good ones within a mile of MomoCon.
FanimeCon 2015 Cosplayery Episode 01 (Friday)
If a cosplay doesn’t exist until it’s observed, does that make me a better seamstress than Nui?
FanimeCon 2015: Days 0/1 – Thursday/Friday
Will I finish this convention series in a reasonable timeframe? My unfinished Sakuracon and AniMinneapolis write-ups point to no.
AniMinneapolis 2015: Dashcon 2 Minnesota Boogaloo (Part 1)
First AniMinneapolis, and hopefully my last. For the record, this is the second-largest anime con in the state, right behind Anime Detour. We Minnesotans… don’t have a lot going for us.
Animay: Another Month of Stalled Posts
I’m gonna be going to three cons this month. This post is about those.
Convention Intervention: Hanadoki Con vs. Sakuracon ~The Flower Showdown~
Get it? Because both have flowers in their name? Hana as in flower? Sakura as in cherry blossom?
Sakura-Con 2015 ‒ Day 1 ‒ Friday
These memories are a couple weeks old now, so I’d better get them written before the only thing I remember is puddi’s sweet… voice.
Sakura-Con 2015 Cosplay Pixtures
I didn’t take many pics, so I’m gonna filler up the space with stories around each one.