Jesus, with how long these reviews dragged out I’m almost starting to dislike this show. Let’s see if I can’t get something else out tonight to wash the bad taste away.
Fansub Review
Fansub Review: [UTW] Kyoukai no Kanata (Episode 03)
All right, let’s finish this show off tonight.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Kyoukai no Kanata (Episode 03)
You can blame the delay on real life.
Fansub Review: [FFF] Kyoukai no Kanata (Episode 02)
Life, please stop delaying my reviews. :/
Translation Review: [HorribleSubs] Coppelion – 01 [720p]
You didn’t see any translation reviews for a while because I was busy with irl work AND fansubban.
Fansub Review: [Asuka Subs] Kyoukai no Kanata (Episode 02)
There are but two certainties in this world: death and Asuka Subs making me wish for it.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Golden Time (Episode 02)
Figured I’d knock out a Golden Time review since there’s only one group actually putting an effort into it.
Fakesub Review: [Chihiro] Golden Time (Episode 01)
Chihiro, please stop trying to steal Commie’s disqualifications.
Short Fansub Review: [Fapulous!] Miss Monochrome (Episode 02)
While I’m getting this outta the way, I’d like to announce the poll will receive a reset sometime tomorrow. The top 5 current vote-getters will be set in stone, but everything else is up for re-votes.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Kill la Kill (Episode 02)
Not as good as Underwater, but it’s not all bad.