New Post Tuesday continues. Can’t stop this power drill.
Fansub Review
Fansub Review: [Vivid] The World God Only Knows S3 (Episode 05)
Okay, let’s power through TWGOK and get to some shows worth watching.
Translation Review: [Commie] Fate ⁄ Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya – 01
They won’t take away the steam in the BDs. You won’t get to see a ten-year-old’s backside.
Translation Review: [Doki] Fate Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya – 01
It’s only been more than a week since my last review :(
Fakesub Review: [Chihiro] The World God Only Knows S3 (Episode 06)
And I thought we were done with the disqualifications.
Fansub Review: [FLag] Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi (Episode 05)
I feel bad for anyone who had to suffer through the show with non-Vivid subs. What is it with good shows attracting shitty groups?
[Kuroi] Upotte!! – 01 (BD)
I’m too lazy to do requested reviews, so here are some screenshots of something I watched awhile back.
Fansub Review: [Hatsuyuki] Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi (Episode 05)
And I usually like Hatsuyuki’s subs…
Fansub Review: [Vivid] Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi (Episode 05)
There’s a Solomon Grundy joke in here somewhere that I couldn’t quite figure out.