v. Spring 2014
Archive: Fall 2013 | Winter 2014
Consider this just a way for me track my own thoughts in a regular fashion. I usually do this in a .txt .xls, but figured I may as well put it on Crymore and share it with the few of you that are interested.
Detailed “analysis” will be provided in weekly status updates on Crymore proper. But feel free to chat it up in this thread~
Current Show Ratings – v2.7
- I’m sure you can figure out how this generally works on your own.
- Scores are not based on the episode, but my overall impression of the series by that point.
- If applicable, I will link the scores to the weekly anime update in which I talk about those episodes. Don’t expect things to match up perfectly; I don’t like being too predictable.
Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Final Score | |
Baby Steps | 7 | Dropped | Dropped | |||||||
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou | 5 | Dropped | Dropped | |||||||
Fuuun Ishin Dai Shogun | 5 | Dropped | Dropped | |||||||
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka | 4 | Dropped | Dropped | |||||||
Haikyuu!! | 7 | Dropped | Dropped | |||||||
Kanojo ga Flag o Oraretara | 3 | Dropped | Dropped | |||||||
Kenzen Robo Daimidaler | 4 | Dropped | Dropped | |||||||
Majin Bone | 3 | Dropped | Dropped | |||||||
One Week Friends (Isshuukan Friends) | 9 | Dropped | Dropped | |||||||
Sidonia no Kishi | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | Dropped | Dropped |
To the Bitter End
Episode 01 | Episode 02 | Episode 03 | Episode 04 | Episode 05 | Episode 06 | Episode 07 | Episode 08 | Episode 09 | Final Score | |
Akuma no Riddle | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 7 |
Black Bullet | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 5 |
Blade and Soul | 6 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 7 |
Captain Earth (cour 1) | 8 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 8 | 8 | 8 |
Gokukoku no Brynhildr | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 7 | 6 |
Hitsugi no Chaika | 7 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 5 |
M3 – Sono Kuroki Hagane (cour 1) | TBD | |||||||||
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei (cour 1) | 5 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | TBD |
Mekakucity Actors | 6 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 3 |
No Game, No Life | 10 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin | 8 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
selector infected WIXOSS | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 4 |
Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 8 | 7 |
Soul Eater Not! | 9 | 9 | 8 | 8 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 9 | 7 |
Currently watching nothing and judging everything, like a true anime fan.
>no ping pong
so, we won’t get commirip’s review? ;_;
at least tell me which is better at translating..
CR or shitty filtered funi?
Ash and Solar have it right.
Why would you even bother with Majin Bone? C’mon, D_S. Get into the real shit.
I’m watching Wixoss right now. Shit is… yeah, I think I intro’d that sentence accurately.
Because Majin Bone is secretly anime of the season, just nobody realizes it yet.
NGNL, I’m sorry I ever doubted you.
Never doubt the power of HUE.
not fucking watching JoJo, Mushihi, Inshuukan Friends and Mekaku City… what the fuck D_S
Fuck this Avatar, that ain’t even me.
shit taste as usual
keep it up
I’m actually agreeing with your taste this season, for the most part.
I’m impressed with how many of these anime you’ve not even watched yet. Good luck for this season!
Update, plzzz.
Oh yeah, I forgot about this. Let me do that tonight.
Pretty good tastes this season Dark_Sage
My top 5 (non-sequels) are:
1. No Game No Life
2. The World is Still Beautiful (Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii)
3. Baby Steps
4. One Week Friends (Isshuukan Friends)
5. Nanana’s Buried Treasure (Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin)
All of which are rated a 7 or higher by Dark_Sage.
Isshuukan Friends a 9?
Come on, that show is just a much shitter version of half of Ef – a tale of memories.
It’s so ridiculously overrated this season. The characters are all one-dimensional, and I especially want to punch the MC in the face.
I’ve only seen one episode, so let’s not whine about my taste too much yet.
I’ll forgive you if you promise not to watch anymore of it. It’s for your own good.
I really want to know why people like it. Is it the whole “heartwarming friendship” aspect? Because it comes off as cheesy and shallow rather than heartwarming.
I enjoyed the first 2-3 episodes of it and after that it just got all repetitive and boring.
Yeah, I think I watched up to episode four and then just stopped, I might finish it eventually but it was just really boring. Nothing happens but it’s not like a moe SoL where things are really funny and cute so it’s still entertaining.
Exactly. Normally I’m a sucker for these SoL character-driven stories (I liked Clannad, 5cms, anohana, ef, etc.), but I just can’t stand this show. Nothing happens, and the characters are all really awkward.
And what’s the deal with the MC? Is he in love with the girl? I have no friggin’ idea at this point.
Yeah, it was just a hassle to watch so I stopped. It was so boring and the MC was just so whiney all the time. The girl was kinda cute but I don’t really like the animation style enough to like her
u have bad taste
I think Brynhildr’s OP (animation) alone makes it better than a 6. It’s almost too appropriate for the setting.
I certainly don’t think so. The OP made me think it would be dark, gritty and have some sort of post-apocalyptic setting in some form or other.
Instead I get some stupid shit where every episode/arc is basically the same. Lab sends a single witch to hunt them, thy get some visions which they misinterpret or whatever, then they beat the witch, etc etc.
My opinion of the show took a nosedive after the 2nd or 3rd episode. Delivered on absolutely nothing I was hyped about.
Hm? If I assume that you’ve watched to the last episode, you’ve seen three witches “sent from the labs”. One was looking for runaway witches, one was guarding something, and the other was taking a day off. I’m impressed that you’re able to think those are all the same.
I realize that it would be spoilers, so I can’t say why it’s appropriate that they’re dying while the rest of the world is healthy and they look fine when the world looks destroyed around them, but it should be clear by the end of the season. At least, it’s safe to say that it will get darker and grittier.
Well fine, I was exaggerating a bit, but I’m not lying when I say I find all their encounters with enemy witches incredibly dull.
And I’ll take your word that it gets darker and hopefully better. Because at this rate, the pacing and foreshadowing seems so bad, it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere good.
Well, you can take a peek at the manga. It’s scanlated past where the anime will likely end. I’m going to go out on a limb and predict the OP will remain the best part of the anime.
The emphasis is never witch on witch action (except, in a different sense, for the bath scenes), and there’s more of the stuff you hate, but I do guarantee things like “the end of the world” will become a factor.
> 5 4 3
I love u. That show is shitty as hell.
nice comment censoring
The comments system here puts comments from new commenters into a Pending or a Spam queue, which means I have to manually approve them before they show up. This usually means I have to actually be awake for that to happen.
As for your “censored comment”, if you want to provide any specifics, feel free. I’m always up for a dance~
please stop including bias in your reviews, when you give these kinds of anime high scores your credibility suffers
“these kinds of anime” they may be, but I gotta say, they’re better than the world you created. Why didn’t you give us humans superpowers?
Which series am I overrating and which am I underrating? Please be specific; your ambiguity can’t entertain me.
All of them and all of them.
yeah ok mate, keep avoiding the facts
He’s not your mate, buddy.
assuming this is completely accurate, you really don’t watch a lot of anime
Pfft. None of the cool kids watch anime.
It’s called having a job.
It sucks, and I wanna go straight hikki, but it’s not like I have an option.
what is your job? I have always wondered
I mostly spend my time sleeping through pointless meetings or getting lost in thought, thinking about how much I’d really like to download that one Attack on Titan JAV because holy shit have you seen those .gifs? My god. Mikasa is truly the best girl.
Mekakucity actors? More like Mekakucity awful, amirite?
I liked it so far…
D_S is insulting an anime I like! D_S is a bully! I’m telling on you!
It’s Shaft on enough downers to kill a horse. The story’s non-existent and the pacing even less so.
The only decent parts in it were blatantly lifted from Bake, and the “we so deep” parts were even more cringey than Texhnolyze.
Honestly, I’m curious to see what you find enjoyable from it.
I don’t know. I found the otherworldly “dreamscape” in the second half of episode 4 rather intriguing. Kind of gave a Madoka/Shinsekai vibe.
Thank the fucking lord, someone who agrees that this show sucks dick.
God taste, D_S.
At least the ED’s pretty good, right? Riiiiight?
The show sucks dick. Nothing is good about it. I can’t believe I lasted 8 eps of that boring pile of shit.
I stopped watching that show and have started watching Knights of Sidonia. Its a Macross Frontier type with its loli singer missing.
All the budget for the show went to seiyuus. Everything else is subpar
yeah it’s honestly garbage, I really tried to give it a chance and forced myself to watch the first four episodes but it was too bad. no story/plot, just headtilts and bullshit.
Is it really THAT bad? I mean sure, I’m not saying it’s anything above a 7, but after watching the likes of M3, Captain Earth, Black Bullet and Kanojo, it’s a goddamn relief to watch Mekakucity.
Or maybe I just have bad taste.
I like Mekaku too. I’m surprised that these guys hate it so much.
All those shows are shit too. I’m not comparing them to other shows. I came into City Actors with some expectations.
1. It was shaft
2. Fans said how good the manga was
3. SHAFT killed parts of the show, etc.
But of course, you should never trust fans. The show made me want to fall asleep.
#3 is more of a rant because that’s what I’ve been seeing and looking up from.
I came into it with expectations, and my expectations were absolutely trashed. It felt like no one involved cared about the show at all, and they just went through the motions because they were paid.
I think I’ll be happier if I never see another head tilt for the rest of my life. Just giving the manga a voice-over would have been better than what they did.
I’d put it at about equal with all of those except Black Bullet which is definitely better IMO. Black Bullet, while is pretty shitty, is at least entertaining with it’s cheap action and loli cuteness. Mekaku is just boring, it’s like a drinking game but you kill yourself everytime there is a pointless head tilt because at this point they are just trying to live up to their reputation for them
Nobody enjoy that show unless you already read the manga or watched the PVs.
MCA anime looks pretty terrible tho.
Captain Earth is the one show that’s pissing me off. I just saw it’s 25 eps long too – if it was only one cour I’d have finished it, but I’m probably going to drop it now.
It’s corny. Really corny. The antagonsists are universally smug, sneering pricks and the main pair could easily be Jessie and James expies from Pokemon. They even fly off into the horizon with a twinkle of light when they’re defeated. And the show is full of goofy-as-fuck terminology, even by the standards of sci-fi shows, and all of it’s Engrish. There is so much stupid shit in this show. No Game No Life is full of stupid shit but it’s awesome. Captain Earth just doesn’t have the flair.
The mecha battles are alright, though they make up about a fifth of the show at most. I did like that ridiculously unnecessarily complicated combining sequence too.
His fucking boomerang is what go me the most annoyed. Like he has a mecha and some weird magic gun and he still carries a stupid boomerang with a holster and everything. I mean it’s no wonder he had no friends at his old school. And yeah it really is way too corny, it’s not funny because I feel like I am watching a kids show. ‘Belly Button Forte’, ‘libido’, ‘orgone energy’.
/end rant
Looks like someone’s never been exposed to A Midsummer Night’s Dream or to any Freud.
Not that Captain Earth is a masterpiece by any means, but the fun lit references, which manage to build into an interesting commentary upon the sources of its terminology (as opposed to Evangelion-style willy-nilly misappropriation), make it a very satisfying watch for me. (It probably helps that I’m an omphalophiliac .)And that ED! The seminiferous ejeculate rolling down from the phallic sex organs of the pink-and-white lily, penetrating the surface of the mind and birthing the Anima Herself, who rises thence through the outspread legs of the virile masculine mech… Jesus fuck I need to go take a shower.
Will you PLEASE stop calling me Captain, guys.
The show has zero cohesion in terms of plot. Was there even a point to episode 5?
Anyone watching Mangaka-san to Assistant-san? That shit’s pretty funny though. Nonexistent plot but it makes you laugh, so it’s all good.
I think it’s hit and miss, but I had some laughs.
Ping pong is where it’a at, people. Enter the hero, motherfuckers.
It has a really really good ED too
Is anyone still watching WIXOSS? I dropped it two episodes in, so I’m wondering if the recent episodes actually have any interesting Madoka/BRS level stuff.
It’s like Madoka with cards. All sorts of suffering.
So is it significantly more interesting and tolerable than the first two episodes? Maybe I’ll pick it up again.
Comparing the quality of the suffering in Madoka to that in BRS or WIXOSS is like comparing a fine glass of delicious Domaine Comte Georges de Vogue Musigny Cuvee Vieilles Vignes Grand Cru to that same glass of wine after I’ve drunk it, pissed it out, drunk it again, puked it back into the same glass, and then liberally infused the result with some of my Taco Bell shits.
Did Blade & Soul really get better? Or did it just get sexier?
Blade and Soul is… Hmm, how to describe this…
Okay, imagine like the IP owner of Blade and Soul was like “Hey random studio, make an anime. Here’s a summary of all the events we want to happen, the themes we want to touch on, and the general plot for you to follow. Everything else is up to you.” And everyone in this random studio decided to do their best to subvert the IP owner’s wishes.
Like, there’s this one episode where we’re supposed to see MC-chan learn that the cycle of revenge is suffering. And to show this, the show has her taken under care of a couple whose daughter she killed. The guy part of the couple tries to kill her, but ends up killing his wife instead. So to atone, he shoots himself through the mouth with a fucking rifle, splattering MC-chan with his blood. No moral narrative, just blood everywhere.
The themes of the show combined with what actually fucking happens makes the resulting episodes hilariously disjointed. But in spite of this tug-of-war going on behind the scenes, there is still enough lady skin shown to make it worth watching.
Highly recommended.
Isshuukan Friends: 9 > dropped
Good decision.
Wasn’t about to have my heart broken by a drop in quality rather than shitty forced drama.
Gone through M3 yet?
Only have Goku, Soul Eater, and Brunhildr releases on this comp. Might download M3 this weekend, but hotel internet is too slow to expect to download and watch something within the same week.
I’m calling 2 episodes max before D_S drops it.
It’s pretty awful so the first episode alone should give you enough reason to drop. The real thing you’re missing out on Knights of Sidonia, it’s way better than Captain Earth
When I saw the previews for M3 and Black Bullet, I was expecting an epic, desperate “humanity’s back to the wall” type of struggle.
Never have I been so wrong.
Sidonia’s definitely much better (and I’m enjoying it), but it still isn’t as great as I thought. Maybe it’ll get better, but right now it’s just way too slow-paced. I’m also not feeling much of an “epic struggle for survival” vibe.
Maybe I should stop trying to compare everything to Muvluv Alternative.
Everything these guys said = the truth.
Of course it is. Why would we lie? And on the internet no less?
Isshuukan Friends = 9 = Dropped
Wixoss = 4 = not dropped
It wasn’t an easy decision, but it had to be made.
Y U no kawaisou :[
It’s improving with each episode. Also, Ricchan is so Kawai.
Japanese comedies aren’t funny.
I’m glad to have finally dropped Mahouka. I lasted 8 episodes.
I’d like to give Mahouka a 1, because it’s really that fucking awful, but there are tits, so I can’t. :(
I still found it a lot more bearable than some of the shows and am still watching it. I mean, it’s entertaining if you go in with low expectations. And like you said, tits.
Dark_Sage watching Nanana?
I approve. One of the best shows this season next to NGNL and Isshuukan Friends, IMHO.
And yes, Mahouka is shit.
Not watching Sidonia, D_S?
>Sidonia dropped
D_S, please.
But not Captain Earth.
I do not understand.
Just because something’s boring doesn’t make it deep. And just because something’s entertaining doesn’t make it bad.
Are you suggesting that Sidonia is boring and shallow while Captain Earth is entertaining but not bad…..?
Entertaining AND not bad.
I just didn’t see it that way. Five minute transformation sequences just weren’t my thing I guess
Is it because Dark_Skin girl?
She is fucking fantastic, but I do have to say mahou shoujo is the best girl.
You know, summer season is coming up in a few weeks. No matter how I look at it the season is less interesting than spring, but a few of the shows will likely be appreciated (Tokyo Ghoul, Akame ga KILL).
The SAO sequel can be treated as a new series, since it’ll have a different setting and new main characters (aside from Kirito). Probably still will like it if you liked the first series and won’t if you didn’t, but for translation review purposes…
Well, hopefully you’ll have more time for anime this summer.
Seeing as how Spring shows are just now starting to finish, it’s a pretty good time for Dark_Sage to start thinking about his Summer preview.
No season even looks that amazing except in hindsight after the shows end and get amazing reviews. Sometimes they have a little more hype than another but it’s never too different
Edit: *ever, not even
I fail to see how any season that features both the Urobutcher (aldnoah.zero) and Watanabe (zankyou no terror) can be less interesting than spring.
Neither of those have produced anything interesting since Fate/Zero and nothing, respectively.
Surely you jest!

I mean I can give you Watanabe (it’s been a long time since Champloo) but not only is F/Z not that long ago, but Urobuchi did Psycho Pass later that year.
Man, the ending of Lesbians with Knives is such bullshit;
Also, got to the end and still no lesbians, fuck this shit. Gochuumon has more lesbian undertones than this.
Thank you for the spoilers. Now I can watch the end of that show with zero suspense.
I’d be inclined to share your sentiments if he hadn’t started with “Man, the ending of Lesbians with Knives is such bullshit.” For future reference, if you see someone on the internet mentioning a show you’re not completely caught up with, close the page and be done with it.
I read two or three lines at a time, so, when there’s no break between “The ending is such bullshit; here’s what happened,” that advice is no good to me.
Spoiler added. Far too late, but added nonetheless.
Agreed. The ending was a massive cop-out. On the other hand, though, it was an anime-original ending and those are almost never any good.
Blade and Soul 13… Somehow the non-existent budget for something clearly planned as an OVA made it just that much better. Nearly made me forget about the previous few eps of the series.
How2use image tag…