Off Topic – v12 Edition
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- Comments will be archived every now and then so we don’t have 10,000 comments in one spot.
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- If you wanna ask something anonymously or just wanna bug me about Hyobu, try this:
Goddammit. Spent like 20 minutes coming up with content for my Bikini Warriors preview only to find it’s a fucking five-minute series and thus ineligible for my preview posts.
Fuck this cruel world. ;_;
Post it here instead.
Even better, I’ll save it for a Summer 2015 Part 4 article that I’ll promise to post but will unceremoniously abandon 10 minutes after.
Shit, I killed so many birds right there that you could call me a wind turbine.
tl;dr: Don’t put logos or titles on your fanwork and Funi will look the other way.
They’re a horrible company, but that seems pretty acceptable (considering US copyright laws).
Essentially, “promote us and we’ll let you do what you want. But don’t you dare try to make a buck on it!”
I honestly have to wonder why fanart isn’t considered in the fair use category. It doesn’t hinder sales of a product in any way.
No post for your new avatar, D_S?
There’ll be a meta post, but I’d like to get some notable content on the site first. It’s been a couple dry weeks.
You know, Commie’s Cross Ange editing has really confused me.
Like, there are some lines that they change for Americanization. For instance, there was a line along the lines of “bare your teeth” which they changed to “bare your fangs”. Small minor things that I don’t think anyone would complain about.
And of course, there is the removal of honorifics in places that make it closer to their goals.
But sometimes, I feel like they just make editing changes to add swears in. Like, “Drop dead, you filth” turns into “Go to hell, you piece of shit”, or “I failed” turns into “I fucked up”. I honestly have have to ask, why? Like, do you really need to use profanity to show anger?
And then there are some lines that make no sense at all to me. Like, they changed “waterproof ballistic missles” to “ballistic missles”. It makes no sense, just why? Why remove translated words?
It’s all very subjective and random, but I just don’t really understand why they act like they do sometimes.
>Like, there are some lines that they change for Americanization. For instance, there was a line along the lines of “bare your teeth” which they changed to “bare your fangs”.
Is this a real post?
Do they not have teeth that aren’t fangs in America?
It seems the USA is more exotic of a place than I’d imagined.
Yes, it is. And your reply is a real reply as I would have expected from you.
It’s times like these when I question how someone who is obstensibly a native speaker of English can be so ignorant of their mother tongue.
Top quality post
That’s the shame of this whole thing. I say something like “Yeah, here’s an example of them changing a literal translation to a liberal translation” and even add in “I don’t think anyone would complain about”, and people read what they want.
They are so focused in their attempts to attack me that they ignore the fact that I called it a non-issue, and also ignore the valid points listed later in the post. Hell, Xythar even goes so far as to crop the post to hide the valid points made.
People need to start to learn to read posts with the Kristen-hate glasses off.
No, you called the use of the phrase ‘bare one’s fangs’ an Americanism, which is hilariously retarded. You can’t fudge what you said when it’s right in front of us, you dumbfuck. Just own up to your mistake and you won’t look like such an arrogant twat. This is why people hate both your guts and Xythar’s alike.
I feel sorry for you.
That’s rich coming from a crybaby who bawls about how everyone’s out to get them whenever challenged. Sob stories don’t somehow invalidate criticism, and if you wail whenever you’ve lost an argument right on cue, no-one will take you seriously.
Your behavior is what makes me feel sorry about you. You are following the trademark things that I see in everyone who doesn’t want to admit they’re wrong. Throwing in needless profanity, calling arguments (indirectly) whining, referring to past events, comparing people to people they don’t like… It’s like you are more interested in slandering me and keeping your face instead of actually reading my posts.
The “trademark” signs that someone won’t admit that they’re wrong are: a) they’re wrong and b) they won’t admit it. Anything else is a ridiculous non sequitur.
If you wish to challenge anything I’ve said, then do so. The ball’s in your court.
It’s true. I mean, if you want, get me a translator on here to translate that line word for word. I am pretty sure the literal translation is not “fangs” but “teeth”, if that is even the direct translation of that line at all.
Changing a line from a literal translation that works to a common American saying is Americanization. Which, as I think I’ve said a hundred times now, is perfectly fine if that’s their goal.
I can’t comment on the Japanese, but it seems perfectly likely that it is a phrase that more literally translates as ‘bare your teeth’ and more idiomatically as ‘bare your fangs’. This no-one has a problem with.
What I *do* have a problem with is characterising this change as an Americanism. It is not. Changing a line from a more faithful translation to a more expressive one certainly fits under the umbrella of ‘liberal’ translation, but it hasn’t been ‘Americanised’ simply by virtue of the target dialect being American English. ‘Fang’ for ‘tooth’ is not attested anywhere as an Americanism, and anecdotally I’ve heard it only outside of American English. By your faulty logic, if Doki put ‘can I get a cup of coffee’ in their subs, it would somehow be a Britishism, or ‘cheers’ in a Commie release would count as ‘Americanisation’. This is frankly ludicrous and is why everyone is ridiculing your comment.
Now either find evidence that ‘bare your fangs’ is an Americanism through and through, admit your mistake (this whole situation could have been easily and painlessly rectified with one little ‘mea culpa’, I might add) or reflect on your actions until you’re willing to do either.
Actually the literal translation of the line is “bare [your] fangs”. Not that it matters, since regardless, it’s ludicrous to consider this as a case of Americanization.
tl;dr this is yet another case where you prattle on about subjects you have no knowledge in, i.e., English, Japanese, and translation between the two.
OK. Assuming you know Japanese and translating literally, then it’s just my bad.
I included this as an example because it was recent. Though there are plenty of other things to be found like “‘Sup” from Vivian, or Ange being called a fatass, etc etc.
Unless you are seriously trying to argue that Commie is a literal translation, and not an Americanized one.
I’m trying to argue that you don’t know enough to make any judgments on what is a more-or-less literal translation (like that entire line about baring fangs), what is a mild localization, or what is a heavily Americanized line to not fuck it up. For example, “sup” may actually be the closest translation, or “fatass” might be more or less literal–or they might be heavy localizations!–depending on the original line. You simply don’t know enough to know.
If you’re currently preparing BD batches and using Commie scripts, just leave them alone. Uninformed edits that try to change the style of translation usually make it worse.
“Sup” is not the closest translation. As she say “Yo”. It doesn’t take any knowledge of Japanese to know that “Yo” means “Yo”.
And no, I’ll keep doing my changes to Commie’s BD using the Hulu translations because I trust professionals more than I trust a group that has a reputation of trolling and excessive localization.
Feel free to download their BD batch in 2019 when they finish if you disagree with it.
Unfortunately for you, not a single time does Vivian actually say “yo” in Japanese when Commie wrote “sup”. She says a couple different things that were all translated as “sup” because they roughly mean “sup”. This is based on a quick search of the ripped .ass files. If I missed one, please mention the ep/timestamp and I’ll check for you.
Even if she did say “yo”, you still don’t know enough to make a judgment call because there are plenty of loanwords that mean something rather different in Japanese than they do in the source language.
And professionals? You mean the same ones that put out those embarrassing Star Driver or Seraph of the End official subs? The ones that literally left an entire line of Japanese in untranslated romaji for no reason and failed to fix it for the actual Western BD release? Unfortunately, the pros wildly vary in quality. If you trust the pros so much, why don’t you just use the Hulu subs wholesale? Why are Commie’s subs involved in this at all?
Swear I heard her say Yo some time that was translated as “‘Sup”. But that’s losing the point. ‘Sup is slang and American slang at that (I just asked my British friends about it, and they said it’s an American thing), and to make something worse – something not even used in spoken english. It was something written in instant messages and text messages, not something anyone says, since wazzup is easier on the tongue than ‘sup.
But, no. I’ve watched enough anime and spoken enough in real life to know what a line Commie just jacked up is, and what a normal unlocalized line sounds like. Not like I’m making original TLs anyways. I’m just replacing the Commie subs with the more unlocalize Hulu subs, or making them essentially tamer.
Embarrassing subs? According to who? The amateur editors who took JLPT 4 and believe they can criticize 8thsin?
The professional subs, in almost all cases, are more direct and accurate subs from the Japanese language to English. Unfortunately, they lack significant editing as they expect 1 person to do the episode in its entirety instead of a team. That’s what the amateur editors criticize. Calling it translation errors just make it sounds worse, so they do that and say if you don’t know Japanese you can’t disagree.
As for why I didn’t use Hulu’s subs wholesale, I think I’ve gone over this before. Cross Ange was a project designed to troll Commie by taking their subs and defiling them to be everything they did not want. Honorifics, Romaji Lyrics (was even thinking of doing a karaoke), unlocalized subs, and priorities to the professional translations instead of their ridiculous attempts to localize when none was needed. Doing it with Hulu subs would have negated the entire point.
> not even used in spoken english
Seriously, are you from like, Singapore or something? It is absolutely used very commonly in spoken English, which is presumably why Commie used it in the first place. I like how you talk so confidently when you have no idea what you’re talking about.
> I […] know what a line Commie just jacked up is, and what a normal unlocalized line sounds like
Except when you don’t, which is all the time, like you just proved with the fangs line and the “sup”, right?
BTW the line about Ange being a fatass? It’s literally fatass in Jp
> The professional subs, in almost all cases, are more direct and accurate subs from the Japanese language to English
At least here you have something of a point; usually professional subs don’t display a total lack of Japanese understanding. (Though sometimes they do.) That doesn’t mean they aren’t mistranslations, though. If the English the translator spits out is so mangled that the hypothetical editor that they often don’t seem to have can’t understand the meaning of the Japanese from it, then it’s a mistranslation, regardless of how well the translator may have understood the Japanese. And completely failing to translate at all, like in Star Driver, is most certainly a mistranslation.
> Cross Ange was a project designed to troll Commie
Oh, so your subs are just trying to troll a group that doesn’t care about you rather than at least attempting to provide any sort of useful service or quality end product for anyone? Carry on then
I live in Virginia US, and prior to that I lived in New Jersey, and know no language other than English and was raised by English parents. Not once have I ever heard someone say “Sup” in real life. It’s just a lazy way of typing online. I mean, just try to say it. It’s inconvenient for the tongue to do it without it flowing in with something prior.
And yes, the line literally is talking about a large rear. There are plenty of other ways to describe a large rear without it being Americanized with “fatass”, such are “big butt” or “large rear”, or “pear shaped”.
The problem is this. You are simply spewing Commie-isms. The belief that nobody outside of those who know Japanese should touch a script, the belief that Commie is right even when they make a translation wrong (Like removing waterproof in the original example), and the belief that if you can translate something nearly directly into an American saying it isn’t Americanized.
And no, Commie obviously does care about me seeing how much people like you, Xythar, and skiddiks have responded to it. Hell, considering that skiddiks even put out disc 1 literally 2 hours after I released mine, I can say they care quite a bit.
>Hell, considering that skiddiks even put out disc 1 literally 2 hours after I released mine, I can say they care quite a bit.
skiddiks must be superhuman. He subbed an entire disc in two hours?
Ummm… I say ‘sup to greet my friends a lot. And no, I’m not from some backwater country town or a ghetto. Maybe you dislike that piece of slang, but to say you’ve never heard people use it in real life is… strange, to say the least.
i mean he’s known to be a compulsive liar, and the inane idea that nobody says “sup” irl (i do it all the time, and *actually* live in virginia) doesn’t exactly verify his statements
No Anon, he was planning on releasing it but rushed it out because of me.
CoffeeFlux, curious, what part of Virginia? If you don’t believe me, I’m sure D_S can verify my IP as being from Virginia.
> New Jersey
> never hearing “sup”
As someone who is originally from New Jersey, you are a liar.
Also, what you’re describing isn’t Americanizing; it’s Englishizing. Aka translation. Just because the obvious choice of translation that accurately matches the insulting tone used doesn’t match your personal terrible preference of “Ange-chan you pear-shaped body person!!” or whatever doesn’t mean it’s over-Americanized. The idea you are espousing that you have to go out of your way to avoid common American sayings is almost the direct opposite of what translation is. Which you’d know if you, you know, ever did any translating of any sort.
If you cannot believe me on where I live and have lived, even though they are verifiable facts, then we’re done here. As I mentioned to an anon a while ago, if you are unable to believe what I say, then you can just call anything that disagrees with you a lie, and anything that agrees with you the truth.
Like how you call anyone that disagrees with you a Commie poster child that has Kristen hate goggles on and has a Japanese phobia?
It’s rather hard to believe you when it’s so ubiquitous a word. You could easily have heard “‘sup” from any Youtube video, TV show, or movie, even if you somehow missed hearing it at school/university/work/store/your neighborhood/from your friends despite living in NJ/VA. And yet not only did you not yourself ever hear it, you are making the claim that NO ONE says this. This is roughly the equivalent of arguing that contractions are just a lazy way of writing that no one ever says out loud. So either you’re lying about your location and upbringing, or you’re lying about never having heard it, or you’ve led a VERY sheltered life spent in total ignorance of your surroundings. It’s not just me telling you this; there are 2 other people in this thread that have difficulty believing you.
Look, Kristen. At some point, you have to start to realize that it’s not that everyone else is a paid shill of The Cartel that is conspiring to hate on you because you’re the last bastion of Japanese culture in the West against the oncoming tide of Amurricanisms. You’re just wildly wrong.
to reply to the earlier question, i’m near richmond
>“Yeah, here’s an example of them changing a literal translation to a liberal translation”
Keep digging.
Why? If I keep going I might find the crap that you spew every time you open your mouth.
No need to get so upset. :)
TIL “Drop dead, you filth” is a common and totally not awkward way to phrase that sentiment in colloquial, non-Japanese English
I bet D_S is playing some shitty game again.
Gotta love the kusoge that is life.
Ouch, that’s worse than shitty games.
Is Kajitani-Eizan the new commie poster child?
I stop following the sub scene for 6 months and so much changes.
no he’s just not a retard, unlike kristen
Spoken like a true Commie poster child. ^.^
I wonder how many poster children they need.
>arguing about some text on a shitty cartoon
shiggity diggity doo
i love you
Bikini Warriors, I’m disappoint.
Someone told me to write it here, so…
I want to begin Kingdom, but A-Destiny’ subs seem a little weird to me. So, should I stick with them or go with Funi? Or there’s another group?
Oh god, Funimation is like a coin flip when it comes to shows they’ve only ever simulcasted… a category which Kingdom falls under. There’s a chance the subs will be tolerable, but you’re also risking gibberish.
I’d probably grab the Funi subs, and if you can get through an episode without looking for the nearest bottle of bleach to down, stick with them. Though I don’t know why you’re watching shit like Kingdom in the first place.
i’ve just noticed there used to be a fansubbing group named hadena and everyone says they were super terrible
The question is, were they really that bad? (2deep4me)
They were great in Engrish.
Have they really been gone long, or is this one just super new? I really haven’t been keeping up with the scene for a while now. Besides which, who has filled the niche of Engrish failsubs? SubDesu?
Most would say Funimation these days.
DDY and Chihiro
And Commie
Fuck you. Commie is accurate
It’s hard to be “inaccurate” when all you’re doing is copying Crunchyroll scripts and pretending you made them yourself.
Even their “original” translations suck cuz they’re about as entertaining as mold. At least Hadena fucked up enough to give us a laugh every now and then.
Assuming japanese schoolgirls have problems with car insurance companies.
>using japanese honorifics and etc. counts as engrish.
I like pizza
Time to 4-0 this prerelease in four hours. White power all the way.
3-1. Life is cruel, and I hate green.
And… 4-0’d at 2HG. Honestly, the only reason I play Magic is to beat the people who actually care about the shitty game. Limited play for life.
Haven’t forgotten. Not that there’s much worth remembering in this pool.
I don’t know if people actually hate Funimation script or just hate hardsubbed videos.
The former. Definitely the former. I mean, I doubt anyone’s crazy about the hardsubbing, but that’s a minor quibble compared to the shit-show that is a Funi script. If Funi was producing top-quality work that happened to be hardsubbed, the complaints would be minimal.
Welp, according to Nyaa comment section.
And yeah. I’m still wondering why people care so much about harsubbed or not.
While I don’t think anyone can deny the QUALITY of Funi’s releases, you’re kidding yourself if you think people wouldn’t complain about the hardsubs even if their script were fucking nominated for a Pulitzer prize. I’ve seen people whinge about hardsubs when they had no intention of ever watching the anime without the subs, TSing or even the fucking kara. And this is probably for a poor quality TV rip.
I can’t say I don’t echo the sentiment for DVDs and BDs, however: if I’m paying hundreds to see a series in its original pristine quality (or increasingly, reworked to fix the terrible animation first released), I’m sure as fuck gonna want the ability to turn off the ugly Arial shit that plagues officialsubs.
I didn’t say “no one would complain.” Obviously people would complain. But the complaints would be nothing compared to what they are now.
Can’t find any info on School Shock: Young BEE
Does anyone know why Vivid dropped Durarara?
Devana vanished and Dozo died (I mean, the sad kind of real dying—Google “Jordan Griffith Memorial Fund”), and I guess the rest of the staff lost interest in continuing.
iirc devana disappeared
Well, it’s a shame. What choice do we have now? HS? :(
Yes, that’s the only option for now, iirc.
better than nothing
Is it me or has the quality of CR scripts also gonne way down in the last couple seasons?
Maybe they are looking at FUNi who keeps getting more and more shows each season and thinking “it’s just not worth it to put in any effort”.
Yeah, it has.
man whats the point of going to a convention if seiji isn’t going
Which con? I have like three in the next few months:
Anime Weekend Atlanta
Anime Revolution
OMG this is hilarious. Funimation proudly released episode 3 of Snow White with The Red hair early and the audio on the episode was the WRONG one, lol, hahaha. (Audio from episode 2)
Edit: Don’t know if they fixed it yet. A̶n̶d̶ ̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶y̶ ̶f̶i̶x̶e̶d̶ ̶i̶t̶ and this is their tweet and the replies are hilarious. Especially the one I highlighted since it’s a joke that funi will ever release something in high quality.
This is what people actually pay for, holy shit.
Ok, my bad, apparently it’s the audio from next week’s episode or something, not sure, but wow.
See, Moonchipz has the right idea.
Honestly, is there any other industry where the official, paid product is often significantly worse than fan efforts?
Cookies. After all, homemade chocolate chip cookies are better than Chips Ahoy. :)
True, but every bag of Chips Ahoy is pretty much the same—you know exactly what the quality will be when you buy the package. I think it’s the extreme inconsistency that makes the anime industry unique.
Not exactly! Chips Ahoy claims to have 1,000 chips in every bag (or did so back in the late 90s), so the Air Force put them to the test. 93% of the bags that were donated they found had at least 1,000 chips. The other 7% were under!
And not only that, but in 1998 Chips Ahoy actually released 1,000 bags of cookies without any chocolate chips at all! Of course, finding one netted you $1000, but regardless!
Leave it to Kristen to have a bunch of useless knowledge of past events.
Of course. I have a near photographic memory. See or do something once, I can tell you generally what it is or how to do it. Twice, I can tell you to the T.
still no watcha_watching taste stalkery where we can have taste-related talks?
Wait till Friday, onegaishidesu.
rofl I’m always waiting till fridays.
You’ll be in luck this time then~
Comment war going on after Underwater delays (shocking!) Gangsta due to missing editor:
Anyone have the US release of Aria the Animation?
No, not a single person in the world has that.
I can check when I get back home… if I remember. There’s a good chance I skipped out on it just cuz I despise Aria, but I will buy anything at the right price, so… shrug.ascii
>I despise Aria
How is this even possible?
I too am confused. I thought Dark_Sage had good taste, but first he enjoys Himouto this season and now this?
>I thought Dark_Sage had good taste
Damn, you are confused. Have you gotten an MRI recently? Might be a brain tumor.
As an update, Nexx, I do have a copy. Though if you want me to do something with it, you’ve only got about 12 hours before I head back to Atlanta.
Damn, I was too late.
When you go back, can you extract all subtitles from it?
Sure. I’ll give it a shot on Friday unless my friends hijack me again.
Finally made a webm that fucking worked. Probably not optimized but now I don’t have to worry about making a broken OP/ED post. \o/
As a proud user of WebM for Retards, it seems to be a fairly idiot-proof conversion frontend
Should I go for it or what?
I’m assuming you know what these releases are like? Also, do you like the dub better or the sub?
It’s an old movie, and I don’t like old things, so I have no opinion on whether this remaster is significantly better than the original. As for dub vs sub, eh… I usually go sub, but I don’t mind dubs. Most people here will suggest subs, though.
Are there any shows whose dubs you think are far superior to their original versions?
I dunno, I don’t usually rewatch shows. And anything that I’d say was much better would be due to nostalgia, like Dragon Ball Z.
Is the official release of Darker Than Black worth it or should I go with Coalgirls?
If there’s anything, that would be most likely Panty and Stocking.
But half the show’s appeal is the Engrish, and the dub is characterless crassness. It’s well acted, but conceptually null.
I do agree with that and I feel that the lines were mostly ad libbed. Well, the show is a mixed-up shit so I’m not expecting that the dubs will get any better other than being more natural.
How do you feel about Commie’s website having branded itself as Republican Subs?
It’s a theme and it can be changed. But I don’t think (or even know) it existed before.
Well, on that note, two words: Nice Meme.
It was there for eons.
Now I’m pretty sure myself that I shouldn’t take every TL note seriously for this show.
Why would you ever get domo subs? You did this to yourself.
‘coz I can’t mux viewster subs myself :(
You guys are fucking retards…
lolwhut?! Ok, I believe that the guys behind DOMO were the same guys who did the memed Saenai Subs. But this coming from the source itself is absurd. My, who would have thought. :O
You’re gonna have to elaborate on that one, random-kun.
yeah, people don’t seem to get that DOMO is literally a viewster rip retimed to a higher-res raw
also, iirc trigger requested that the subs be like this to match the animation and source material (and their hardsubbed op lyrics)
do with that what you will
It took you 18 episodes to realise???
Not really. I got a hunch that some of the TL notes doesn’t even exist in Viewster.
Er, it does. DOMO is Viewster subs on CR video with some TS, as the torrent description states.
Given the screencap provided by anon, its now clear to me that Viewster is to blame. u_u
>this is blue on nyaa
>different video
>different font
Works for [herkz] why shouldn’t it work for everybody.
Oh wait, this is about Aria isn’t it? Keep that to emails, cuz my phone will annoy me when you do.
Hey D_S, I might be stopping in Minneapolis this weekend. Anything I should make sure to do if/while I’m there?
Sorta hard to answer that one. Minnesota is really beautiful this time of year, so if you’re into normal stuff, we’ve got lots of tourist destinations (though you’d have to travel outside the city).
Things to do are gonna be the same as any other city: movies, concerts, finding a prostitute who will pretend she’s Lucy from Fairy Tail… not exactly stuff you need to seek Minnesota out for. I dunno, we’ve got some good food options I guess.
What’re you coming down for?
Really, I’m just going because I’m bored. At first I thought I’d start driving west to see how far I could get in a day, spend the night seeing new sites, and would head back the next day. Then I realized I probably couldn’t quite make Bismarck at any reasonable hour, so I’d have to just end up driving until it was time to sleep and I wouldn’t really get to see anything new.
So then I was like fuck it, maybe I should just go check out Minneapolis. I know that the airport is huge, so surely it’s at least a real city instead of the nothing town I live in.
Oh it’s a real city for sure. I wouldn’t mind coming up for a few to hang with you (I don’t live in the city proper), but I do have some long-standing plans for Friday and Saturday, so I can’t necessarily commit a whole day. I might even be able to host you for a night in my manga dungeon, but that is located in a nothing town too.
If you just wanna lone-wolf it, I might suggest finding a list of to-dos on a Minnesota subreddit or something.
Email me if you decide to hang and we can hash details out. darksagerk at gmail dot com
I’m pen to paper right now (I mean, not with a review, but at least it’s not meta bullshit). Wanted to get something out last night, but had to deal with a lung that was desperately trying to escape my body.
Stuck at DragonCon or I’d be posting stuff today. God is it an awful con. ._.
I like stuff!
I only like what I see in the mirror.
2015 already, and Chihiro is still retarded…
>Today we have genmaicha. {Ed: Genmaicha is not “popcorn tea.” It’s green tea mixed with roasted brown rice, sometimes with a bit of matcha powder as well, though when done so it is referred to as matcha iri genmaicha. You put in a link to “Kouhai” but not to this common tea? For shame~ XD}
>You’re not getting any karaage{fried chicken} for {\i1}that{\i0} kind of information!
Pretty sure Chihiro will keep being Chihiro till they disband. No reason for them to change now.
Have some drama:
For what I care, Chihiro ended in October of 2013 when Lenmaer released Golden Time episode 1. Since then they have simply been another group releasing under the Chihiro tag, as they are not obeying any of the Chihiro principles.
Being as shitty as you can be is not a principle
You’re trying too hard.
Nah, you’re the one not trying hard enough, you never did.
Perhaps. Too busy working my job to deal with trolls anymore.
The best fansubbers out there also have jobs, and yet somehow that doesn’t stop them from being good.
Maybe it’s just you Kristen
i got no job
He said the best fansubbers
Reading comprehension is not your forte.
says the only person who didn’t get the joke
Say what you want about my subbing abilities – it’s mostly true anyways. While I was good as a timer in 2008, my encodes have only been “good”, not the “perfect” level people have come to expect. My karaokes are simple but effective – not the “wow” factor a good karaoke maker has.
But I do believe that I was probably one of the best leaders. Not many leaders can claim to have led a group without interruption for 5 years, subbing 88 shows, of which 80% were completed (96% if you exclude the first 9 months of speedsubbing) and 50% were later upgraded to DVD or BD.
Say what you want of Kristen, but he was never as bad as Lenmaer is.
“Say what you want of Bin Laden, but he was never as bad as Hitler was.”
Oh look it’s 9/11
It’s like this post was meant to be
This whole comment tree is cringeworthy.
Jesus Christ.
Just imagine how bad it would be if you had edited it then
Hey now… Bin Laden was a nice guy once you got to know him. =)
Who has the best subs for TLR Darkness 2nd?
Doki or HS?
this is deader than me being dead when diying while studying for finals
Seriously… what the fuck?
it actually looks good.
Perfectly readable imo.
It only gets better.
holy shit
worse than funi? this is not possible
Nothing is impossible. And people say these are good subs…
People liked this release? Fuck, maybe the batshit evangelicals were right about the end times.
So, Hyobu episode 8 subs when?
And I ran, I ran so far away
…couldn’t get away ;_;
Just like the Aniblog tournament, right?
By the way, I’m seriously waiting for whine=subs.
Well, I may be able to only disappoint you halfway this season.
It seems like something is missing here.
Yup yup, Review Queue and About are both temporarily gone. When they come back they’ll be nice and updated.
What do you suggest for Subete ga F ni Naru? Eraser, DameDesuYo or Horrible?
We’ll find out come episode 2. It’s my second-favorite show of the season so I want to get that comparison done quickly.
First being?
I seriously hope you don’t think OPM is AOTS.
What, “good stuff, the anime”? I like it, but that would be a boring pick.
No, at the time I had Lance N’ Masques at number 1. I think Sakurako-san may overtake it though. I’ll figure the rankings out in just a bit — currently finishing off Noragami S1 so I can watch S2 this season.
God, what a shit show Noragami is. The fuck is wrong with fujoshi that they are capable of enjoying this trash?
What in Noragami would appear to fujoshi?? How far in are you?
Dude, the show is totes fujobait. All they need is Yato and entry-level plot hijinx. Feel free to consult tumblr or your local con for further evidence.
I don’t think the actual japanese fujoshi I know would like it. I’ll ask but they really do just like the magical men stuff.
I really hope you’re not being serious with Lance N’ Masques.
I like generic shoujo bullshit, sue me.
Are you watching Utawarerumano, because that shit is some comfy (muh buzzwords), slow paced, atmospheric (m-muh buzzwords) good stuff.
I watch it for the tail.
First two episodes have gotten me so excited. White Fox is really delivering so far.
Looks like Vivid’s encoder is not so pro.
I’d like to head off this drama by saying that our ep1 is probably oversharpened a bit because we had a different encoder than in S1 for the first episode. I won’t comment on Vivid’s, but I will say our normal encoder for the show will be back next week. While I don’t dislike the sharpness on this episode’s encode, it definitely is too much in some cases.
I’m not expert, but your encode seems to be better.
Btw, this is kinda retarded. Owari no Seraph looks badass, but other FUNi shows… Heavy Object = eye cancer (even MX looks better).
Help guys I fucked up D_S’s Vita what do I do now.
It didn’t work!!!!!
Ah it’s cool, I’ll just wait for the PS Vita 2, with backwards compatibility and a sensible memory card system. They’ll announce it any day now.
You might want to start rating scanlations, as i have suggested in the past xD
Well at least they understand their subtitles are irrelevant now.
What a time to be alive…
I’m sure there are others groups who secretly using Senketsu subs but didn’t mention the credit…
Revolutio Ep 3, fucking amazing as usual. Looks like there’s going to be an overarching storyline to tie everything together near the end.
Thought the robot shit would be pretentious, but that was a fucking solid execution. Justicerobo needs to chill out though, unless there’s more backstory to be had to his angst.
Nobody is willing to save Heavy Object? I’m surprised.
FUNi’s video is cancerous as fuck…
Based fansubs. They’re doing needless CR edits, yet they won’t save good show from FUNi.
Die already, you useless fags.
just wait for blu-rays you normal fag
Do it yourself then, you asshole.
If video is your issue why not download senketsu + ohys?
Or better yet, sub your own damn anime.
Terrible raw from MX? No thanks.
>just wait for blu-rays you normal fag
Dude, plz. I don’t want to hear that from the worst encoder on Earth.
Then go encode it yourself.
You got time to bitch, you got time to sub.
And you got time to be useless.
Based fansubber.
Yeah, but at least I understand that the world doesn’t want to hear about my being useless, unlike your noble self who seems all too keen to notify everyone of the fact.
Wait for this guy. Shift Senketsu to it. Tada.
Look at that, they just uploaded ep3.
Period pls. Ohys is horrible.
No shit, but it’s better than Funi’s 480p upscale.
Not from what I’ve seen. Ohys can’t encode for shit so a high action show will look terrible with tons of artifacts. At least, use Leopard so you’re not at the bottom of the barrel. Besides, I think Funi fixed that after the first episode, and BS11 is still the best experience for the show.
Yes, but horriblesubs a horriblier
Are you on period, Period?
“Die already, you useless fags.” is a good way to trigger a period, apparently.
Saw Gravity in class today, it was really bad, D_S was right about something, why is this being taught in film classes
dat mspaint skillz
Crunchy was hacked.
CR damage control in full swing right now.
I’d probably be more concerned if places I do business with didn’t get hacked every fucking month it seems. Shitty news though.
(I also have specific account/password for Crunchy and a currently outdated credit card on there, so I’m good at least.)
I saw that in winter will start the third season of Yami Shibai. Since I have yet to see the first two seasons, who do you suggest? [Horrible] or [WhyNot-Migoto]?
WhyNot-Migoto, but don’t expect to be blown away by their subs.
Clearly A+ typesetting:
Eien plz.
>FFF typesetting still shit
What else is new?
No name fansub did a good job:
but that covers up a ton of the art…
>chinese cartoon
Seems legit.
Nobody cares about covering half the screen with typesetting when “important” groups do it.
FFF is important? Shit, what is this, 20– oh yeah, they’ve only ever been 2nd-tier anyway. Never mind.
We currently have Commie, DDY, FFF and GJM.
That’s it. Every other group is either ded, dying or too irrelevant to even be mentioned.
“Commie, DDY, FFF”
More like “important” fanrip groups to me.
Don’t forget HorribleSubs then.
wow, edgy
so ur a subtitle specialist
Ooh, someone’s salty. I’m gonna need a desal plant to drink this water.
Less than ideal font, no blur, no shadow, border’s too big, gradient’s wrong, covers the animation for no reason… Yup, great typesetting there! Not that FFF’s is all that good either, but the only thing impressive is that they recreated the background thing in the no name sub, and even that they didn’t get right (note the line on the bottom right corner was missed).
Maybe if you’re blind. The fact is all these issues were bad enough that I could spot them in a jpeg, which destroys image quality and as a result makes spotting issues generally harder. So if the problems can all be seen through that, I can only imagine how bad they’d look in action. Probably bad enough that no self-respecting typesetter would look at it and say “Yeah, that’s good enough to release.”
98% of whoever watch these are probably blind just like me
No. It is actually unnoticeable for non fansubbers.
When you fansub you start noticing things like that. I know that after I started timing I couldn’t take HS and Commie timing anymore.
This level of perfectionism is the reason why many good shows get no subs due to lack of staff… or artists in the wrong area, as you can call them.
>This level of perfectionism
>Basic concepts like blur and shadows
>basic concepts of you’re the only fucking one noticing it
not sure if you’re trying to prove his point or if you’re just too ingrained in your own sub-clique to realize how unnoticible that “mistake” was.
I miss the days when \an8 was considered acceptable for very hard signs.
Honestly, I still believe that’s an acceptable solution. But if you’re going to put in the effort to redraw parts of the art, then it’s almost saddening to see basic typesetting concepts completely forgotten on that same sign.
>Maybe if you’re blind.
Nope, it’s just too small. To be honest… I almost preferred Crunchyroll.
Also, I think they should just go with mask, and ignore bottom kanji.
“What’s Wrong With Fan Translations?”
Sometimes i thought s/he was referring to you =D
He probably was.
Is he the owner of Funy? or is he the one directly responsible of all the shit they release?.
Justin Sevakis? No, he’s the founder of AnimeNewsNetwork. I said that in the third line of the post I linked.
I said it because it don’t think it is possible to protect and/or justify something bad so fervently as he has, when you don’t have any affiliation with it. Maybe he owns stocks or something xD
Otherwise he is just an bootlicker.
IBO reviews up next. Expect subs only a few steps removed from causing IBS.
Looks like tonight’s gonna be Black Friday and a vidya review~
Any of y’all want a copy of FFXIII for PC? I accidentally bought an extra one. :< (First reply gets it, will email code to ya.)Wait, am I really the first one? No way!
Lucky lucky~
Edit: Should be in your inbox by now. Lemme know if it isn’t.
Meh, I got my hopes up for authentic D_S swagness spread on a plastic disc.
Do you have an account? It seems to be a thing fansubbers do.
Yeah, it’s called Crymore.
Yeah but you can’t post on Crymore anonymously.
Fair enough.
I’ve added it as a link to the OT, and will throw it up in future OTs, but that’s about as much promotion as I’ll give it. Not a huge fan of how desperate for attention it’s made fansubbers seem.