So I got quite a bit of heat in some channels for not pointing out how different Doki’s translations of Nichijou were from Commie’s translations. Where there are differences this large, they deserve to be seen. As an editor, I can only competently speak about English quality, but I decided to post a side-by-side of the translations for Nichijou.
Fanrip Review: [HorribleSubs] Hanasaku Iroha (Episode 01)
Note: Fuck, I really wanted to tear into the professional subbers here, but they actually did a really good job. I guess the millions the Rockefellers threw into Crunchyroll really paid off. No OP/ED because professionals don’t translate songs.
Fansub Review: [Doki] Nichijou (Episode 01)
This is a review of Doki’s Nichijou release. It’s aimed at helping you to choose which fansub group’s release to watch. EDIT: I should note that I only reviewed the English of this release. Apparently the translation had some inconsistencies with another group. This will be taken care of in a new post.
Fansub Review: [Commie] X-Men (Episode 01)
This is a review of Commie’s X-Men release. It’s aimed at helping you to choose which fansub group’s release to watch.
Fansub Review: [Ayako] Dog Days (Episode 01)
This is a review of Ayako’s Dog Days release. It’s aimed at helping you to choose which fansub group’s release to watch. By popular demand, I guess I’ll be doing this for every show of the season until I burn out and kill myself. Strap yourselves in. It’s gonna be a sexy ride.
Will Sub Trailers 4 Free!!
So, I wanted to give back to the great anime community that has given me such things as SankakuComplex, BakaBT, and Crunchyroll. What better way to do this than by providing fan translations of the trailers for the upcoming season? So, uhh, yeah, I’m taking requests. They will be done under the [Superior-Subs] tag for… … Read more
[aRK] Highschool of the Dead BD 07, 08, 09, 10
Everything is being properly seeded. Everything. So don’t worry about dead torrents. You’ll get your anime. They’re also available on the bots on our IRC channel. #[email protected]
Ten Reasons Why I Don't Go to Anime Club
1. Every anime now comes with a laugh track. People watching these shows laugh on cue, all the time. They will even wait until the punch-line is made in Japanese, even if they’ve already read the line before it’s vocally delivered, just so they can laugh at the same time as the other people. Awesome. … Read more
Merry Valentine’s Day
At first I was like “Happy Forever Alone Day” but then I remembered something…
[WhyNot vs. Hatsuyuki vs. Hiryuu] Whose Freezing Should You Watch?
Please keep in mind that though I only looked at each sub for 5 minutes, there are only 50 lines of text during this time. Count up how many errors there are and divide by 50, and you’ll see the error rate for each sub. WhyNot? This comes off a comma and should therefore not … Read more