At least until Kadokawa issues a C&D.
Grand Prix Vancouver 2016: Tourney Report
Though I despise Magic the Gathering and its community with all my heart, I will 100% rationalize any decision to go to Vancity for a weekend.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Dagashi Kashi (Episode 02)
Expecting anything approaching quality from the only group that thought the king from Dragon Quest III was a “monkey” would be an unthinkable mistake. Yet somehow I’m still disappointed.
Translation Party: [Commie vs Doki-Chihiro vs Funimation vs Mori] Dagashi Kashi (Episode 01)
Slept through my alarm last night so I had to get this out today instead. Close enough, right?
Winter 2016 Preview – Part 2: Slow Down, Japan. I Haven’t Even Finished Last Season Yet.
Yeah, the shows have aired now, and I could just watch them instead of semi-blindly guessing as to their quality… but where’s the fun in that?
An In-Depth Analysis of a Modern Anime
Time to give some modern anime the treatment it deserves.
Sakura-Con 2015 – Days 2 & 3 – Saturday & Sunday
The post you didn’t know I forgot to post, for the con you should’ve gone to but didn’t.