Time to piss some people off.
Scanlation Review: [Gantz_Waitingroom] Dorohedoro (Chapter 19, Page 5)
I decided to be “productive” during my break.
Why (Most) Episodic Blogs Suck – A Random Curiosity Case Study
A lot of people want to stick their dicks into Random Curiosity’s gaping-wide vagina. Let me explain why the Syphilis isn’t worth it.
How to Fansub Anime
A lot of people have asked me, “Dark_Sage, how do you fansub anime?” It’s easy, my friends, let me show you how!
A Whiners.pro Primer
An entirely non-comprehensive list of Whiners.pro processes and policies.
Dark_Sage’s Perfect Math Class
I really like stats. So let’s see how my scores stack up against other sites.
Playstation Vita: A Photojournal – Part 2
A thrilling continuation of Dark_Sage’s Playstation Vita experience.