This is a short list of advice for convention panelists.
How to reflect quirky phrasing in your subs
An analysis of how to make humans speak like humans.
An acknowledgement of my biases, an apology, and a proposal for improvements
I did not mean to cause any harm with my reviews, but it appears I have irreparably damaged the reputations of several fansub groups. Allow me to present a heartfelt apology.
Prelude to Hyouka Reviews Part 2
Writing Hyouka reviews right now. Here’s something to tide you over until then. NSFW~
Prelude to My Hyouka Reviews
Commie’s release unequivocally has a better main script than Mazui’s. Some of you are going to bitch about me saying this and I’d rather deal with your faggotry in this thread than in my reviews proper.
Calyrica's Perspective: Anime Detour 2012
WARNING: PICTURE HEAVY Let me start by getting this out of the way: I LOVED ANIME DETOUR. Okay. Moving on. Friday, March 30 – Pre-Detour I was so excited, I nearly threw up my breakfast four times, and I skipped lunch for fear it wouldn’t stay down. Dark_Sage said I sucked at driving, but … Read more
Spring 2012 (Superior) Anime Preview
Some people rightfully argued in my Megas Preview that I have poor taste in anime. I am so sorry. Allow me to make the preview that you were all hoping for.