When customs asked what I was bringing back from Tokyo, I lied and said Pokemon cards. Glad I looked cool enough to pull that one off.
Dark_Sage’s Anime Collection v.Jul2017 – No Scene Tourists Edition
Cuz if you don’t spend all your money on anime you aren’t a *true fan*.
Spring 2017 to Date – Part XX7 – 5 Episodes In
All work and no anime turns white kids into school shooters. So here’s to an ounce of prevention.
Crymore/D_S Status + Spring 2017 to Date, Parts IV-V
tl;dr: I’m moving to Denver, and posts will be rather infrequent.
Spring 2017 to Date, Part III
I’m gonna take a shower and get pissed when I come up with a better intro for the post than this one.
Spring 2017 to Date, Part II
Watch Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records. You owe it to yourself.