Oh hey, it’s fansub review time. I wanted to get these done sooner, but I get 30 kbps upload/download here and work is killing me. :/ Anyway, here we go. After this, I promise four Ano Hana reviews. Enjoy~
Astarotte no Omocha
Fansub Review: [Underwater-Commie] Astarotte no Omocha (Episode 02)
Sorry to ILMNW or w/e the group’s name is. I was wrong for knocking you about the title translations. Apparently they’re just terrible Engrish.
Astarotte’s Toy/Lotte no Omocha – Character Analysis – Astarotte Ygvar
Here, I analyze the character of Astarotte Ygvar from the anime Astarotte’s Toy/Lotte no Omocha.
Fansub Review: [ILMNW] Astarotte no Omocha (Episode 01)
Note: I decided to review this show instead of edit it for a group. I’m truly dedicated to you~
These are edited CR rips. I compared them with the HorribleSubs script and for every two right things they did, they did something wrong. That’s not how you edit CR scripts. .____.