A lot of people have asked me, “Dark_Sage, how do you fansub anime?” It’s easy, my friends, let me show you how!
Fansub Review: [Commie] Space Brothers (Episode 01v2)
Yeah, another episode 1 review. Fuck this show; I have no interest in watching more than one episode of it.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Tasogare Otome x Amnesia (Episode 05)
I’ll finish off the Taso reviews tonight. Promise~ [Note: Review images broken from migration.]
Fansub Review: [Commie] Hyouka (Episode 02v2)
Next up is Commie’s version of Hyouka. Gotta love this Hyouka fun.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Acchi Kocchi (Episode 03)
Hyouka is taking way too long to download (12 kbps), so I’m gonna review stuff that I already have on this computer. I watched this along with Tsumiki’s version, so you’ll see me directly compare the two releases at multiple points in this review.
Fansub Review: [Commie-Commie vs. WhyNot] Sakamichi no Apollon (Episode 03)
Commie-Commie’s release and WhyNot’s are so similar that I felt the only way to compare the two would be to do it directly.
Fansub Review: [WhyNot] Tsuritama (Episode 02)
Okay, Tsuritama done. I’m tempted to do Medaka next, but WhyNot probably wins that (with no competition), so we’re doing… mm, Nyaruko/Nyarlko next?