Also Also Also Today on Crymore: Commie initiates their counterattack. But will it be enough to defeat the Syndicate and claim Sailor Moon for the Cartel?! Well, yes. But I imagine you’ve already gathered that.
Fansub Review
Fansub Review: [Chihiro] Sailor Moon Crystal (Episode 04)
Also Also Today on Crymore: Endless 04 continues as Syndicate leader Chihiro steps up for the final assault on Commie. Will it work? There’s only one way to find out.
Fansub Review: [Doki] Sailor Moon Crystal (Episode 04)
Also Today on Crymore: After Hatsuyuki’s attack registers more damage to themselves than Commie, Doki takes the field to avenge their fallen comrades. Will the fan favorite be able to take down Commie once and for all? Whether by moonlight or daylight, the truth will be revealed!
Fansub Review: [Hatsuyuki] Sailor Moon Crystal (Episode 04)
Today on Crymore: After Crymore fan Xythar uncovers the Syndicate’s (Chihiro, Doki, and Hatsuyuki) dastardly plan to steal Sailor Moon downloads from Commie, Hatsuyuki launches phase 1 of the Syndicate’s deadly attack. Which fansub gang will come out on top?! Stay tuned to find out!
Fansub Review: [Hatsuyuki] Tokyo Ghoul (Episode 09)
This release is about as fresh as Kaneki’s meals tend to be.
Fansub Review: [Otaku] Glasslip (Episode 07)
Glasslip? More like slitwrists. Get it? Cuz the show is fucking terrible.
Fansub Review: [Kaylith] Glasslip (Episode 07)
The only show that could ever be worse than Glasslip would be Glasslip 2.
Fansub Review: [FFF] Tokyo ESP (Episode 08)
I am gonna *try* to be thorough with these Tokyo ESP reviews, but slitting my wrists would be less self-harming than paying attention to this godawful shitshow.
Fansub Review: [NFP-IS] Zankyou no Terror (Episode 05)
Since I’m stuck in an airport for 12 hours because Delta is Latin for “incompetent fuckwits”, I thought I’d bring you reviews of subs done by… incompetent fuckwits.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Tokyo Ghoul (Episode 06)
Post fiesta 2014 continues. Up next: a poll, or something.