Fansub Review
Fansub Review: [Hiryuu] Sword Art Online II (Episode 05v2)
Sorry about the lack of posts this past week. Been rather consumed with playing vidya (Transistor and Last Remnant).
Fansub Review: [FFF] Zankyou no Terror (Episode 03)
I managed to tear myself away from the Rail Butts just long enough to get this review in. I guess it’s good for you all that nutbladders have their limitations.
Fansub Review: [Hatsuyuki] Sword Art Online II (Episode 02)
The only anime better than SAO II is Frozen.
Fansub Review: [FFF] Sword Art Online II (Episode 02)
With all the Sinon screenshots I was forced to take, I predict my SAO II reviews are going to take significantly longer than usual.
Fanrip Review: [HorribleSubs] Aldnoah Zero (Episode 02)
For real, if this series doesn’t get better, I’m gonna whine about it on Twitter at least two times. You’ve been warned.