I guess this used to be a fansub review blog. Let’s get back to some of that for nostalgia’s sake.
Fansub Review
Short Fansub Reviews: [Vivid * t4w] Pupa (Episode 03)
After a very unproductive 4-hour AMV binge, I remembered I had a site to run. So have a filler post.
Fansub Review: [FTW] Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren (Episode 03)
And boom! One of the benefits to writing reviews side-by-side is that I can throw them out in short succession. ‘Course it takes a lot longer on the average.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren (Episode 03)
With the simulcast delay, I figured getting these reviews out now would be rather prudent.
Fansub Review: [EveTaku] Nisekoi (Episode 03)
Oh EveTaku. I liked you better when you were good.
Fansub Review: [Hatsuyuki] Noragami (Episode 03)
Ohayocon Thursday-Friday write-up next tonight. If I don’t fall asleep during it, that is.
Translation Party: [HorribleSubs vs. t.3.3.d vs. Underwater] Mikakunin de Shinkoukei – Engaged to the Unknown (Episode 01)
You better have a damn good reason you’re not watching this.
[Funimation]’s No-Rin 02 is the worst simulcast script I’ve seen (this season)
They expect you to pay $96 a year for this shit.
Translation Party: [Commie vs. HorribleSubs vs. Oni] Space Dandy (Episode 01)
So how are you Bebop fans taking this show?
Fansub Review: [Commie] Nisekoi (Episode 02)
Futsuu, renowned Commie and UTW translator, said that Commie had the objectively best script for this show. Well, let’s see if he’s right. (Spoilers: Of course he’s right. Such top-tier translators always are.)