Been sitting on this review for… 21 days it looks like. Guess it’s time to post it.
Fansub Review
Fansub Review: [PM] Pokemon XY (Episode 07)
I haven’t played the games or watched the previous six episodes of this series, so we’re gonna call this review non-canon.
Fansub Review: [Hiryuu] Unbreakable Machine-Doll (Episode 06)
Commie’s UMD review has been 90% complete for days. Just need to find the motivation to finish it off. In the meantime, have one for Hiryuu’s release.
Fansub Review: [gg] Tokyo Ravens (Episode 03)
(Edit: Due to various events, this is no longer a “review” but an article. Consider it non-canon.)
Fansub Review: [Anime-Koi] Coppelion (Episode 06)
I’m going to assume that whoever handled the script and whoever handled the capitalization and punctuation were different people. That’s the only way this release makes sense.
Fansub Review: [FFF] Unbreakable Machine-Doll (Episode 04)
“More reviews? Dammit, Sage, I wanted more Youmacon posts!” Don’t worry; I’ll get on that soon enough.
Fanrip Review: [HorribleSubs] Unbreakable Machine-Doll (Episode 04)
I normally don’t talk about encodes, since the only people who care about that shit are encoders themselves, but goddamn Funimation screwed the pooch on this until Mr. Kibbles vomited his semen-covered intestines up. Oh, and this release is censored too.
[Anime-Koi] Coppelion – 02
Sorry, but because of all the other fansubban and IRL crap I have to do, this is literally the only anime fansub I was able to squeeze in since the last review.
Official Subs Review: [Sentai] Inu x Boku SS (Episode 10)
Welcome ghouls and ghosts… to a parallel dimension where people actually watch subs like these. It is a terrifying and cautionary tale for what would happen if fansubbers ever took the professionals seriously. (And yes, this is the spookiest blu-ray I have. Deal with it.)