Because I’m sleepy and normal reviews won’t help with that.
Fansub Review
Fansub Review: [WhyNot] Galilei Donna (Episode 03)
What a terrible episode for a show that held such promise. Sad_Sage. :(
Translation Party: [Anime-Koi vs. Commie vs. EveTaku] Kyousougiga (Episode 01)
Goddamn, this show is fantastic. Think FLCL, except you won’t need to pump your stomach to get the fail out of your body after watching it.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Log Horizon (Episode 03)
I tend to love reviews with only one group subbing a show. Usually makes the recommendation so much easier. In this case? Doesn’t matter because the show sucks musty dog balls and you shouldn’t watch it.
Translation Party: [DameDesuYo vs. FFF vs. HorribleSubs vs. WhyNot] Galilei Donna (Episode 02)
The show’s all right if you like adventures. Otherwise, skip it. As of now it’s probably gonna clock out at 7/10 on my scale (and my scale is perfect).
Fansub Review: [Vivid] Coppelion (Episode 03)
Much like Watashi’s KlK, Anime-Koi’s Coppelion has been delayed per request. So you’ll see those reviews sometime later. Guess that means it’s onto the latest poll results for now.
Fansub Review: [EveTaku] Coppelion (Episode 02v2)
Hopefully these Coppelion reviews should go by quickly; this level of script is easy to review.
Fansub Review: [Mezashite] Kyoukai no Kanata (Episode 03)
Jesus, with how long these reviews dragged out I’m almost starting to dislike this show. Let’s see if I can’t get something else out tonight to wash the bad taste away.
Fansub Review: [UTW] Kyoukai no Kanata (Episode 03)
All right, let’s finish this show off tonight.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Kyoukai no Kanata (Episode 03)
You can blame the delay on real life.