A functioning nutbladder is fun for everyone!
Fansub Review
Fansub Review: [Anime-Koi] K (Episode 01)
Not sure how many of the staff are new, but welcome to the most fabulous cool-kid scene ever, Anime-Koi.
Fansub Review: [UTW] Shinsekai Yori – From the New World (Episode 02)
I do like this show. Oh, and I’ll put a poll up later today. Until then my reviews will be mostly picked at random, regardless of how much you want to read them or not.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Tonari no Kaibutsu (Episode 01)
Finally, a good shoujo. (And Commie’s version of it isn’t half-bad.)
Fansub Review: [Hadena] Shinsekai Yori – From the New World (Episode 01)
A garbled mess of confused English presented with an unreadable font? Yep, this is a Hadena release.
Fansub Review: [Aidoru] Shinsekai Yori – From the New World (Episode 01)
Let’s get this started.
Fansub Re-Review: [UTWoots] Sword Art Online (Episode 03)
How will UTWoots fare now that they have forced our intrepid hero to use some xy-vsfilter bullshit so their subs can display properly to the 10% of people watching the show with said filter? This review will let you know!
Fansub Review: [UTWoots] Sword Art Online (Episode 02)
Fansubbing’s saviors have arrived with their high-quality, top-tier subs. Let us give thanks.