No need to freak. See? You’re still gonna be getting fansub reviews. Just fewer than I would produce if I focused on them 100%.
Fansub Review
Fansub Review: [DameDesuYo] Junketsu no Maria (Episode 03)
DDY’s lucky the base script was solid, cuz their editor needs a few lessons in basic English. Also, that’s a bird, you pervert.
Translation Review: [HorribleSubs] Kantai Collection – 01
Yes, you are probably all wondering why I’ve been absent for so long. The truth is I have gotten into some legal trouble:
They got me for tax evasion.
But I struck a deal with the feds, and hopefully they won’t discover my other flashdrive.
Translation Party: [CTSS vs Doki vs FFF vs S_X] Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata (Episode 01)
There are quite a few options for this show, so I figured you could use a TL Party.
Officialsubs Review: [Funimation] The Rolling Girls (Episode 03)
Yeah, Funimation did it better than the others. Cry more, fansub scene.
Fansub Review: [Cthune] The Rolling Girls (Episode 02)
This release should have a trigger warning, because it made me want to shoot myself. After this review, Cthune will probably wish I had.
Officialsubs Review: [Aniplex] Durarara!!x2 Shou (Episode 02)
I’m one shot from turning Crymore into a Durarara tumblr.
Fansub Review: [Vivid] Durarara!!x2 Shou (Episode 02)
Commie v2 sure are shaping up into a group in their own right. Good job, guys.
Fansub Comparison: [FFF vs Hiryuu] Death Parade (Episode 02)
The script is too simple to warrant full reviews, so have a lazy comparison instead.