Just cuz I’m 30 doesn’t mean I don’t have the best high school style.
No, I haven’t fansubbed in years, and I’m not about to start for Aho Girl
After noticing a “Dark-Sage” branded torrent achieved 13 full downloads on nyaaC I knew I had to chime in. Got a reputation to maintain, after all!
Top Ten Overwatch Waifus
I may not have played Overwatch yet, but that won’t stop me from making a top ten list for it that’s just as informed as any other.
Galaxy S7 Edge Review
Can Samsung’s newest ode to capitalism melt Dark_Sage’s icy steel beams? I think we all know the answer to that.
The Shimoneta Hentai I Just Fapped to Instead of Marathoning the Show Like I Had Planned
It has now been 0 days since a Drunk_Sage post.