Getting through that backlog…
Fansub Review: [Hatsuyuki-Hadena] Shouwa Monogatari (Episode 01v2)
So, after I kept getting asked to delay reviewing their 01 release, Hatsuyuki-Hadena finally released their v2. The extremely stupid errors people kept showing me ended up getting fixed, but how was the English as a whole?
Well, there aren’t as many lulzy errors, but…
Fansub Review: [Hatsyuki-Hadena] Ao no Exorcist (Episode 01)
You guys, this has more errors than gg’s did. *sigh* Time to review Kata-Subs.
Edit: Apparently this release used the wrong script, aka the unedited script. Oh my. Looks like someone’s getting hanged.
[Doki vs. gg vs. Nutbladder vs. Hatsuyuki] – [C]lusterfu[c]k
I don’t run my mouth unless I have proof. Enjoy. Tis a buffet of fail. (I’m listening! I tried to focus on only the worst errors.) So, which group do you think sucked the least?
Fansub Review: [Hatsuyuki-Tsuki] Hanasaku Iroha (Episode 01)
Like Underwater-Commie, Hayatsuki-Tsuki edited the original HorribleSubs script.
Happy note from Dark_Sage: They didn’t say “hush”! Yatta! And in fact, this review made me realize a fundamental problem with my reviews: they focus on the negative, rather than the positive.
[WhyNot vs. Hatsuyuki vs. Hiryuu] Whose Freezing Should You Watch?
Please keep in mind that though I only looked at each sub for 5 minutes, there are only 50 lines of text during this time. Count up how many errors there are and divide by 50, and you’ll see the error rate for each sub. WhyNot? This comes off a comma and should therefore not … Read more