There’s a good reason the title is terrible, honey, you just haven’t thought of it yet.
Officialsubs Review: [Sentai] Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! (Episode 02)
Dear Sentai, falling forward only works when you’re not faceplanting into a pile of shit.
P-Tuesday Pollday: Top OTP & Sexiest Boy of Winter 2015
See? I’m keeping to the schedule. …if we’re going by like Pacific time.
LoveMore 2015
If you don’t have anyone this Valentine’s Day, I’ll be your date. Hell, I’ll be your date even if you do have someone.
Crymore Presents: LoveMore 2014
Are you lonely? Of course you fucking are. Luckily, Dark_Sage is here to keep that x-acto blade away from your wrists. Welcome to LoveMore 2014.
Merry Valentine’s Day
At first I was like “Happy Forever Alone Day” but then I remembered something…