Translation Party: [FFF vs. Hatsuyuki vs. HorribleSubs] Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Bride (Episode 01)

For the lady-loving audience here, do note the HorribleSubs version is censored. So unless you’re watching this show for the ladies’ smiles, you may want to factor that into your decision.

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Translation Party: [Commie vs. Hadena vs. HorribleSubs vs. UTW-Vivid] Suisei no Gargantia (Episode 01)

Okay, this is the last time I’m gonna say it this season: there are checkboxes. Use them if you feel you need to select more than one option. For example, in a case where two groups have the exact same translation, you can select both of them, so there’s no need to flip a coin.

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