Inside is also a few notes on [Dmon/FFF] Minami-ke Tadaima or whatever it’s called.
Vividred Operation
Fansub Review: [Commie] Vividred Operation (Episode 05)
I’m really getting tired of playing English teacher this season.
Fansub Review: [Hatsuyuki-Hybrid] Vividred Operation (Episode 04)
Okay, show of hands. Who actually thought this release would be decent?
Fansub Review: [JK] Vividred Operation (Episode 03)
I’d like to milk that previous article’s kneejerkfest as much as possible, but I do have reviews to get to.
Translation Party: [Commie vs. Aniplex vs. Hatsuyuki-Hybrid vs. JK] Vividred Operation (Episode 02)
Okay, time for a more traditional TL Party. 4 groups, 11 comparisons. This should go much quicker than usual.