tl;dr: I’m moving to Denver, and posts will be rather infrequent.
Meta Bullshit: Crymore Insurresurrection
Fine, I’ll give subtitle reviews one more chance.
A Very (Belated) Crymore Christmas v2015
I missed Christmas, but I’m pretty sure Ramadan or whatever it is the Jews celebrate goes on for another week. So in the spirit of the season so too shall we.
Dark_Sage at Anime Revolution 2015 (& other assorted meta bullshit)
Meta posts may only count for a fraction of actual content, but take what you can get, right?
Animay: Another Month of Stalled Posts
I’m gonna be going to three cons this month. This post is about those.
Site Status: Upgrades & More Promises to Break
I normally do this meta bullshit at the start of the season, but since I skipped out then, now seems like a good alternative.
LoveMore 2015
If you don’t have anyone this Valentine’s Day, I’ll be your date. Hell, I’ll be your date even if you do have someone.
Crymore Banner Contest v.Winter 2015 Winners
It was a brutal battle, but 11 banners came out on top of the 40 entries. Also, have some minor site updates, cuz why not?