And the winner is…
Crymore Review Summary Live-UpdateCastBlogFestStravaganza!
I’m going to spend the rest of my night updating the review summary, so you may as well watch me do it. [Edit3: All right, we’re going again!]
You all sure like your old subs…
Fine. I’ll do a *few* oldsub reviews. Post in the comments a couple groups you fondly remember and I’ll smack those nostalgia goggles right off your face.
Schrodinger’s Sage – A story of time travel, rage, and even a little bit of romance
Let me explain what happened over the course of the past two days. And bear with me because my explanation of technical concepts is gonna be shaky (probably because I didn’t major in virginity at university).
What do you want to see on Crymore?
So you may have noticed I’ve been pumping through the reviews right quick. Hell, I think I’ll finish off this season by the end of the week. So you might be asking “What’s coming up next?” which leaves me respond with “What do you want to see?”
Temporary Review Queue
I don’t really wanna make a review queue page when we’re already so far into the season, so I’m just gonna make a post.
A Very Scary Crymore Halloween
Hello ghosts and ghouls! It’s time for… SPOOKY SUBS AND… Umm… I guess that’s it.
PSA: Will do reviews on Sunday
Been busy playing Virtue’s Last Reward. It’s fucking awesome and has consumed my time. As an apology, you’ll get four reviews tomorrow. More, if I feel sugoi. That’s it. PSA over.
Poll Results
Because HostGator is a shitty host, I was told I can’t have my poll plugin on the site anymore. Actually, I’m not really allowed to have any plugins because it somehow brings their infrastructure to a crushing halt. So here are the poll results before I had to pull it.