Shaft’s targeting that Chuu2 market it seems.
Winter 2013
Fansub Review: [Hadena] Tamako Market (Episode 01)
I think Hadena would come better out of this review if I hadn’t already seen what translations Mazui, Commie, and GotWoot had for some of these lines. But too bad for Hadena I don’t really feel like feigning ignorance. [Note: This isn’t a regular Hadena review because they’ve improved beyond the random gibberish of last season.]
Fansub Review: [SubDESU] Senran Kagura (Episode 01)
SubDesu, ShitSubs. Same as it ever was.
Translation Party: [Commie vs. pem vs. UTW-Mazui] Nekomonogatari (Episode 02)
I think translation parties work best when there’s no “clear” victor in the ordinary reviews. And in that sense, I think this’ll be an enjoyable party.
Fansub Review: [UTW-Mazui] Nekomonogatari (Episode 01)
And… this show is beyond UTW-Mazui as well. Fansubbing!
Fansubber Reactions: Nekomonogatari (Episode 02)
Let’s see how the groups kept themselves sane. (UTW-Mazui review after this.)
Fansub Review Addendum: [Commie] Nekomonogatari (Episode 01)
Tears sustain me. So Commie, please give me more.
Fansub Review: [Commie] Nekomonogatari (Episode 01)
And here we are with Commie’s release. I heard the TL was supposed to be amazing, so let’s see how great this release actually is.